Source code for commonroad.scenario.scenario

import enum
import itertools
import re
import warnings
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Set, Tuple, Union

import iso3166
import numpy as np

from commonroad.common.util import Interval, Time
from commonroad.common.validity import (
from commonroad.prediction.prediction import (
from commonroad.scenario.intersection import Intersection
from commonroad.scenario.lanelet import Lanelet, LaneletNetwork
from commonroad.scenario.obstacle import (
from commonroad.scenario.state import TraceState
from commonroad.scenario.traffic_light import TrafficLight
from commonroad.scenario.traffic_sign import TrafficSign
from commonroad.visualization.draw_params import (
from commonroad.visualization.drawable import IDrawable
from commonroad.visualization.renderer import IRenderer

[docs]@enum.unique class Tag(enum.Enum): """Enum containing all possible tags of a CommonRoad scenario.""" INTERSTATE = "interstate" URBAN = "urban" HIGHWAY = "highway" COMFORT = "comfort" CRITICAL = "critical" EVASIVE = "evasive" CUT_IN = "cut_in" ILLEGAL_CUTIN = "illegal_cutin" INTERSECTION = "intersection" LANE_CHANGE = "lane_change" LANE_FOLLOWING = "lane_following" MERGING_LANES = "merging_lanes" MULTI_LANE = "multi_lane" ONCOMING_TRAFFIC = "oncoming_traffic" NO_ONCOMING_TRAFFIC = "no_oncoming_traffic" PARALLEL_LANES = "parallel_lanes" RACE_TRACK = "race_track" ROUNDABOUT = "roundabout" RURAL = "rural" SIMULATED = "simulated" SINGLE_LANE = "single_lane" SLIP_ROAD = "slip_road" SPEED_LIMIT = "speed_limit" TRAFFIC_JAM = "traffic_jam" TURN_LEFT = "turn_left" TURN_RIGHT = "turn_right" TWO_LANE = "two_lane" EMERGENCY_BRAKING = "emergency_braking"
@enum.unique class TimeOfDay(enum.Enum): """Enum containing all possible time of days.""" NIGHT = "night" SUNSET = "sunset" AFTERNOON = "afternoon" NOON = "noon" MORNING = "morning" UNKNOWN = "unknown" @enum.unique class Weather(enum.Enum): """Enum containing all possible weathers.""" CLEAR = "clear" LIGHT_RAIN = "light_rain" MID_RAIN = "mid_rain" HEAVY_RAIN = "heavy_rain" FOG = "fog" SNOW = "snow" HAIL = "hail" CLOUDY = "cloudy" UNKNOWN = "unknown" @enum.unique class Underground(enum.Enum): """Enum containing all possible undergrounds.""" WET = "wet" CLEAN = "clean" DIRTY = "dirty" DAMAGED = "damaged" SNOW = "snow" ICE = "ice" UNKNOWN = "unknown"
[docs]class GeoTransformation: """ Class which describes the transformation from geodetic to projected Cartesian coordinates according to the CommonRoad specification """ def __init__( self, geo_reference: str = None, x_translation: float = None, y_translation: float = None, z_rotation: float = None, scaling: float = None, ): """ Constructor of a location object :param geo_reference: proj-string describing transformation from geodetic to projected Cartesian coordinates :param x_translation: translation value for x-coordinates :param y_translation: translation value for y-coordinates :param z_rotation: rotation value around origin :param scaling: multiplication value of x- and y-coordinates """ self.geo_reference = geo_reference self.x_translation = x_translation self.y_translation = y_translation self.z_rotation = z_rotation self.scaling = scaling def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, GeoTransformation): return False return ( self._geo_reference == other.geo_reference and self._x_translation == other.x_translation and self._y_translation == other.y_translation and self._z_rotation == other.z_rotation and self._scaling == other.scaling ) def __hash__(self): return hash((self._geo_reference, self._x_translation, self._y_translation, self._z_rotation, self._scaling)) @property def geo_reference(self) -> str: return self._geo_reference @property def x_translation(self) -> float: return self._x_translation @property def y_translation(self) -> float: return self._y_translation @property def z_rotation(self) -> float: return self._z_rotation @property def scaling(self) -> float: return self._scaling @geo_reference.setter def geo_reference(self, geo_reference): self._geo_reference = geo_reference if geo_reference is not None else 0 @x_translation.setter def x_translation(self, x_translation): self._x_translation = x_translation if x_translation is not None else 0 @y_translation.setter def y_translation(self, y_translation): self._y_translation = y_translation if y_translation is not None else 0 @z_rotation.setter def z_rotation(self, z_rotation): self._z_rotation = z_rotation if z_rotation is not None else 0 @scaling.setter def scaling(self, scaling): self._scaling = scaling if scaling is not None else 1
class Environment: """ Class which describes the environment where a scenario takes place as specified in the CommonRoad specification. """ def __init__( self, time: Time = None, time_of_day: TimeOfDay = None, weather: Weather = None, underground: Underground = None ): """ Constructor of an environment object :param time: time in hours :param time_of_day: current time of day, i.e., day or night :param weather: weather information, e.g., sunny :param underground: underground information, e.g., ice """ self._time = time self._time_of_day = time_of_day self._weather = weather self._underground = underground def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Environment): return False return ( self._time == other.time and self._time_of_day == other.time_of_day and self._weather == and self._underground == other.underground ) def __hash__(self): return hash((self._time, self._time_of_day, self._weather, self._underground)) @property def time(self) -> Time: return self._time @time.setter def time(self, time: Time): self._time = time @property def time_of_day(self) -> TimeOfDay: return self._time_of_day @time_of_day.setter def time_of_day(self, time_of_day: TimeOfDay): self._time_of_day = time_of_day @property def weather(self) -> Weather: return self._weather @weather.setter def weather(self, weather: Weather): self._weather = weather @property def underground(self) -> Underground: return self._underground @underground.setter def underground(self, underground: Underground): self._underground = underground
[docs]class Location: """ Class which describes a location according to the CommonRoad specification. """ def __init__( self, geo_name_id: int = -999, gps_latitude: float = 999, gps_longitude: float = 999, geo_transformation: GeoTransformation = None, environment: Environment = None, ): """ Constructor of a location object :param geo_name_id: GeoName ID :param gps_latitude: GPS latitude coordinate :param gps_longitude: GPS longitude coordinate :param geo_transformation: description of geometric transformation during scenario generation :param environment: environmental information, e.g. weather """ self._geo_name_id = geo_name_id self._gps_latitude = gps_latitude self._gps_longitude = gps_longitude self._geo_transformation = geo_transformation self._environment = environment def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Location): return False return ( self._geo_name_id == other.geo_name_id and self._gps_latitude == other.gps_latitude and self._gps_longitude == other.gps_longitude and self._geo_transformation == other.geo_transformation and self._environment == other.environment ) def __hash__(self): return hash( (self._geo_name_id, self._gps_latitude, self._gps_longitude, self._geo_transformation, self._environment) ) @property def geo_name_id(self) -> int: return self._geo_name_id @geo_name_id.setter def geo_name_id(self, geo_name_id: int): self._geo_name_id = geo_name_id @property def gps_latitude(self) -> float: return self._gps_latitude @gps_latitude.setter def gps_latitude(self, gps_latitude: float): self._gps_latitude = gps_latitude @property def gps_longitude(self) -> float: return self._gps_longitude @gps_longitude.setter def gps_longitude(self, gps_longitude: float): self._gps_longitude = gps_longitude @property def geo_transformation(self) -> GeoTransformation: return self._geo_transformation @geo_transformation.setter def geo_transformation(self, geo_transformation: GeoTransformation): self._geo_transformation = geo_transformation @property def environment(self) -> Environment: return self._environment @environment.setter def environment(self, environment: Environment): self._environment = environment
class ScenarioID: benchmark_id_pattern = re.compile( r"(?P<cooperative>C-)?(?P<country_id>[A-Z]{3})_(?P<map_name>[a-zA-Z0-9]+)-(" r"?P<map_id>[1-9][0-9]*)(_(?P<configuration_id>[1-9][0-9]*)(_(" r"?P<prediction_type>[STPI])(?P<prediction_ids>(-([1-9][0-9]*))+))?)?" ) def __init__( self, cooperative: bool = False, country_id: str = "ZAM", map_name: str = "Test", map_id: int = 1, configuration_id: Union[None, int] = None, obstacle_behavior: Union[None, str] = None, prediction_id: Union[None, int, List[int]] = None, scenario_version: str = SCENARIO_VERSION, ): """ Implements the scenario ID as specified in the scenario documentation (see Example for benchmark ID C-USA_US101-33_2_T-1 :param cooperative: True if scenario contains cooperative planning problem sets with multiple planning problems :param country_id: three-letter ID according :param map_name: name of the map (e.g. US101) :param map_id: index of the map (e.g. 33) :param configuration_id: enumerates initial configuration of vehicles on the map (e.g. 2) :param obstacle_behavior: describes how behavior of surrounding vehicles is defined; interactive (I) or prediction type (S, T) :param prediction_id: enumerates different predictions for the same initial configuration (e.g. 1) :param scenario_version: scenario version identifier (e.g. 2020a) """ assert scenario_version in SUPPORTED_COMMONROAD_VERSIONS, "Scenario_version {} not supported.".format( scenario_version ) self.scenario_version: str = scenario_version self.cooperative: bool = cooperative self._country_id = None self._map_name = None self.country_id: str = country_id self.map_name = map_name self.map_id: int = map_id is_map = configuration_id is None and obstacle_behavior is None and prediction_id is None has_prediction = obstacle_behavior is not None or prediction_id is not None # Obstacle behavior has to be defined if a prediction id is given. We can't recover from this! # prediction id is not None => obstacle_behavior is not None assert prediction_id is None or obstacle_behavior is not None, ( "Prediction id was given, but obstacle " "behavior undefined!" ) if not is_map: if has_prediction: prediction_id = prediction_id or 1 configuration_id = configuration_id or 1 self.obstacle_behavior: Union[None, str] = obstacle_behavior self.configuration_id: Union[None, int] = configuration_id self.prediction_id: Union[None, int, List[int]] = prediction_id # Validate object assert self.obstacle_behavior in [None, "S", "T", "P", "I"], ( f"Unsupported prediction type '{obstacle_behavior}'! " f"Available prediction types: S, T, P, I" ) assert self.map_id > 0, f"Map id {configuration_id} <= 0!" assert is_map or self.configuration_id > 0, f"Configuration id {configuration_id} <= 0!" prediction_id = prediction_id if isinstance(prediction_id, list) else [prediction_id] assert not has_prediction or all(p > 0 for p in prediction_id), f"Prediction id {configuration_id} <= 0!" def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, ScenarioID): warnings.warn(f"Inequality between ScenarioID {repr(self)} and different type {type(other)}") return False id_eq = ( self.cooperative == other.cooperative and self.country_id == other.country_id and self.map_name == other.map_name and self.map_id == other.map_id and self.configuration_id == other.configuration_id and self.obstacle_behavior == other.obstacle_behavior and self.prediction_id == other.prediction_id and self.scenario_version == other.scenario_version ) return id_eq def __hash__(self): return hash( ( self.cooperative, self.country_id, self.map_name, self.map_id, self.configuration_id, self.obstacle_behavior, self.prediction_id, self.scenario_version, ) ) def __str__(self): if self.obstacle_behavior is not None: prediction_id = self.prediction_id if not isinstance(self.prediction_id, list): prediction_id = [prediction_id] prediction = "-".join([self.obstacle_behavior] + [str(s) for s in prediction_id]) else: prediction = None map_ = self.map_name if self.map_id is None else f"{self.map_name}-{self.map_id}" parts = [self.country_id, map_, self.configuration_id, prediction] scenario_id = "_".join([str(p) for p in parts if p is not None]) if self.cooperative is True: scenario_id = "C-" + scenario_id return scenario_id @property def map_name(self): return self._map_name @map_name.setter def map_name(self, map_name: str): pattern = "[^a-zA-Z0-9]" cleaned_map_name = re.sub(pattern, "", map_name) self._map_name = cleaned_map_name @property def country_id(self): return self._country_id @country_id.setter def country_id(self, country_id: str): if country_id is None: self._country_id = "ZAM" elif country_id in iso3166.countries_by_alpha3 or country_id == "ZAM": self._country_id = country_id else: raise ValueError("Country ID {} is not in the ISO-3166 three-letter format. ".format(country_id)) @property def prediction_type(self): warnings.warn("prediction_type renamed to obstacle_behavior", DeprecationWarning) return self.obstacle_behavior @property def country_name(self): if self.country_id == "ZAM": return "Zamunda" else: return iso3166.countries_by_alpha3[self.country_id].name @classmethod def from_benchmark_id(cls, benchmark_id: str, scenario_version: str): """ Create ScenarioID from benchmark_id and scenario_version in the XML header. :param benchmark_id: scenario ID provided as a string :param scenario_version: scenario format version (e.g. 2020a) :return: """ match = ScenarioID.benchmark_id_pattern.fullmatch(benchmark_id) if match is None: warnings.warn("Not a valid scenario ID: " + benchmark_id) return ScenarioID(cooperative=False, map_name=benchmark_id, map_id=1) # extract sub IDs from string cooperative = match["cooperative"] is not None country_id = match["country_id"] map_name = match["map_name"] map_id = int(match["map_id"]) configuration_id = int(match["configuration_id"]) if match["configuration_id"] is not None else None prediction_type = match["prediction_type"] prediction_id = match["prediction_ids"] if prediction_id is not None: prediction_id = [int(pid) for pid in prediction_id.split("-")[1:]] if len(prediction_id) == 1: prediction_id = prediction_id[0] return ScenarioID( cooperative, country_id, map_name, map_id, configuration_id, prediction_type, prediction_id, scenario_version, )
[docs]class Scenario(IDrawable): """Class which describes a Scenario entity according to the CommonRoad specification. Each scenario is described by a road network consisting of lanelets (see :class:`commonroad.scenario.lanelet.LaneletNetwork`) and a set of obstacles which can be either static or dynamic (see :class:`commonroad.scenario.obstacle.Obstacle`).""" def __init__( self, dt: float, scenario_id: ScenarioID = ScenarioID(), author: str = None, tags: Set[Tag] = None, affiliation: str = None, source: str = None, location: Location = None, ): """ Constructor of a Scenario object :param dt: global time step size of the time-discrete scenario :param scenario_id: unique CommonRoad benchmark ID of the scenario :param author: authors of the CommonRoad scenario :param tags: tags describing and classifying the scenario :param affiliation: institution of the authors :param source: source of the scenario, e.g. generated by a map converter and a traffic simulator :param location: location object of the scenario """ self.dt: float = dt assert isinstance(scenario_id, ScenarioID) self.scenario_id = scenario_id self._lanelet_network: LaneletNetwork = LaneletNetwork() self._static_obstacles: Dict[int, StaticObstacle] = defaultdict() self._dynamic_obstacles: Dict[int, DynamicObstacle] = defaultdict() self._environment_obstacle: Dict[int, EnvironmentObstacle] = defaultdict() self._phantom_obstacle: Dict[int, PhantomObstacle] = defaultdict() self._id_set: Set[int] = set() # Count ids generated but not necessarily added yet self._id_counter = None # meta data = author self.tags = tags self.affiliation = affiliation self.source = source self.location = location def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Scenario): warnings.warn(f"Inequality between Scenario {repr(self)} and different type {type(other)}") return False scenario_eq = ( str(self.dt) == str(other.dt) and self.scenario_id == other.scenario_id and self.lanelet_network == other.lanelet_network and self.static_obstacles == other.static_obstacles and self.dynamic_obstacles == other.dynamic_obstacles and self.environment_obstacle == other.environment_obstacle and self.phantom_obstacle == other.phantom_obstacle and == and self.tags == other.tags and self.affiliation == other.affiliation and self.source == other.source and self.location == other.location ) return scenario_eq def __hash__(self): return hash( ( str(self.dt), self.scenario_id, self.lanelet_network, self.static_obstacles, self.dynamic_obstacles, self.environment_obstacle, self.phantom_obstacle,, self.tags, self.affiliation, self.source, self.location, ) ) @property def dt(self) -> float: """Global time step size of the time-discrete scenario.""" return self._dt @dt.setter def dt(self, dt: float): assert is_real_number( dt ), '<Scenario/dt> argument "dt" of wrong type. ' "Expected a real number. Got type: %s." % type(dt) self._dt = dt @property def lanelet_network(self) -> LaneletNetwork: """Road network composed of lanelets.""" return self._lanelet_network @property def dynamic_obstacles(self) -> List[DynamicObstacle]: """Returns a list of all dynamic obstacles in the scenario.""" return list(self._dynamic_obstacles.values()) @property def static_obstacles(self) -> List[StaticObstacle]: """Returns a list of all static obstacles in the scenario.""" return list(self._static_obstacles.values()) @property def obstacles(self) -> List[Union[Obstacle, StaticObstacle, DynamicObstacle, EnvironmentObstacle, PhantomObstacle]]: """Returns a list of all obstacles roles in the scenario.""" return list( itertools.chain( self._static_obstacles.values(), self._dynamic_obstacles.values(), self._phantom_obstacle.values(), self._environment_obstacle.values(), ) ) @property def environment_obstacle(self) -> List[EnvironmentObstacle]: """Returns a list of all environment obstacles in the scenario.""" return list(self._environment_obstacle.values()) @property def phantom_obstacle(self) -> List[PhantomObstacle]: """Returns a list of all phantom obstacles in the scenario.""" return list(self._phantom_obstacle.values())
[docs] def add_objects( self, scenario_object: Union[ List[ Union[ Obstacle, Lanelet, LaneletNetwork, TrafficSign, TrafficLight, Intersection, PhantomObstacle, EnvironmentObstacle, ] ], Obstacle, Lanelet, LaneletNetwork, TrafficSign, TrafficLight, Intersection, PhantomObstacle, EnvironmentObstacle, ], lanelet_ids: Set[int] = None, ): """Function to add objects, e.g., lanelets, dynamic and static obstacles, to the scenario. :param scenario_object: object(s) to be added to the scenario :param lanelet_ids: lanelet IDs a traffic sign, traffic light should be referenced from :raise ValueError: a value error is raised if the type of scenario_object is invalid. """ if isinstance(scenario_object, list): for obj in scenario_object: self.add_objects(obj, lanelet_ids) elif isinstance(scenario_object, StaticObstacle): self._mark_object_id_as_used(scenario_object.obstacle_id) self._static_obstacles[scenario_object.obstacle_id] = scenario_object self._add_static_obstacle_to_lanelets( scenario_object.obstacle_id, scenario_object.initial_shape_lanelet_ids ) elif isinstance(scenario_object, DynamicObstacle): self._mark_object_id_as_used(scenario_object.obstacle_id) self._dynamic_obstacles[scenario_object.obstacle_id] = scenario_object self._add_dynamic_obstacle_to_lanelets(scenario_object) elif isinstance(scenario_object, LaneletNetwork): for lanelet in scenario_object.lanelets: self._mark_object_id_as_used(lanelet.lanelet_id) for traffic_sign in scenario_object.traffic_signs: self._mark_object_id_as_used(traffic_sign.traffic_sign_id) for traffic_light in scenario_object.traffic_lights: self._mark_object_id_as_used(traffic_light.traffic_light_id) for intersection in scenario_object.intersections: self._mark_object_id_as_used(intersection.intersection_id) for inc in intersection.incomings: self._mark_object_id_as_used(inc.incoming_id) self._lanelet_network: LaneletNetwork = scenario_object elif isinstance(scenario_object, Lanelet): self._mark_object_id_as_used(scenario_object.lanelet_id) self._lanelet_network.add_lanelet(scenario_object) elif isinstance(scenario_object, TrafficSign): lanelet_ids = set() if lanelet_ids is None else lanelet_ids self._mark_object_id_as_used(scenario_object.traffic_sign_id) self._lanelet_network.add_traffic_sign(scenario_object, lanelet_ids) elif isinstance(scenario_object, TrafficLight): lanelet_ids = set() if lanelet_ids is None else lanelet_ids self._mark_object_id_as_used(scenario_object.traffic_light_id) self._lanelet_network.add_traffic_light(scenario_object, lanelet_ids) elif isinstance(scenario_object, Intersection): self._mark_object_id_as_used(scenario_object.intersection_id) for inc in scenario_object.incomings: self._mark_object_id_as_used(inc.incoming_id) self._lanelet_network.add_intersection(scenario_object) elif isinstance(scenario_object, EnvironmentObstacle): self._mark_object_id_as_used(scenario_object.obstacle_id) self._environment_obstacle[scenario_object.obstacle_id] = scenario_object elif isinstance(scenario_object, PhantomObstacle): self._mark_object_id_as_used(scenario_object.obstacle_id) self._phantom_obstacle[scenario_object.obstacle_id] = scenario_object else: raise ValueError( '<Scenario/add_objects> argument "scenario_object" of wrong type. ' "Expected types: %s, %s, %s, and %s. " "Got type: %s." % (list, Obstacle, Lanelet, LaneletNetwork, type(scenario_object)) )
def _add_static_obstacle_to_lanelets(self, obstacle_id: int, lanelet_ids: Set[int]): """Adds a static obstacle reference to all lanelets the obstacle is on. :param obstacle_id: obstacle ID to be added :param lanelet_ids: list of lanelet IDs on which the obstacle is on """ if lanelet_ids is None or len(self.lanelet_network.lanelets) == 0: return for l_id in lanelet_ids: self.lanelet_network.find_lanelet_by_id(l_id).static_obstacles_on_lanelet.add(obstacle_id) def _remove_static_obstacle_from_lanelets(self, obstacle_id: int, lanelet_ids: Set[int]): """Remove a static obstacle reference from all lanelets the obstacle is on. :param obstacle_id: obstacle ID to be removed :param lanelet_ids: list of lanelet IDs on which the obstacle is on """ if lanelet_ids is None: return obs: StaticObstacle = self.obstacle_by_id(obstacle_id) l_ids = obs.initial_center_lanelet_ids if l_ids is not None: for l_id in lanelet_ids: self.lanelet_network.find_lanelet_by_id(l_id).static_obstacles_on_lanelet.remove(obstacle_id) def _remove_dynamic_obstacle_from_lanelets(self, obstacle: DynamicObstacle): """Removes a dynamic obstacle reference from all lanelets the obstacle is on. :param obstacle: obstacle to be removed """ if isinstance(obstacle.prediction, SetBasedPrediction) or len(self.lanelet_network.lanelets) == 0: return # delete obstacle references from initial time step if obstacle.initial_shape_lanelet_ids is not None: for lanelet_id in obstacle.initial_shape_lanelet_ids: lanelet_dict = self.lanelet_network.find_lanelet_by_id(lanelet_id).dynamic_obstacles_on_lanelet lanelet_dict[obstacle.initial_state.time_step].discard(obstacle.obstacle_id) # delete obstacle references from prediction if obstacle.prediction is not None and obstacle.prediction.shape_lanelet_assignment is not None: for time_step, ids in obstacle.prediction.shape_lanelet_assignment.items(): for lanelet_id in ids: lanelet_dict = self.lanelet_network.find_lanelet_by_id(lanelet_id).dynamic_obstacles_on_lanelet lanelet_dict[time_step].discard(obstacle.obstacle_id) def _add_dynamic_obstacle_to_lanelets(self, obstacle: DynamicObstacle): """Adds a dynamic obstacle reference to all lanelets the obstacle is on. :param obstacle: obstacle to be added """ if isinstance(obstacle.prediction, SetBasedPrediction) or len(self.lanelet_network.lanelets) == 0: return # add obstacle references to initial time step if obstacle.initial_shape_lanelet_ids is not None: for lanelet_id in obstacle.initial_shape_lanelet_ids: lanelet_dict = self.lanelet_network.find_lanelet_by_id(lanelet_id).dynamic_obstacles_on_lanelet if lanelet_dict.get(obstacle.initial_state.time_step) is None: lanelet_dict[obstacle.initial_state.time_step] = set() lanelet_dict[obstacle.initial_state.time_step].add(obstacle.obstacle_id) # add obstacle references to prediction if obstacle.prediction is not None and obstacle.prediction.shape_lanelet_assignment is not None: for time_step, ids in obstacle.prediction.shape_lanelet_assignment.items(): for lanelet_id in ids: lanelet_dict = self.lanelet_network.find_lanelet_by_id(lanelet_id).dynamic_obstacles_on_lanelet if lanelet_dict.get(time_step) is None: lanelet_dict[time_step] = set() lanelet_dict[time_step].add(obstacle.obstacle_id)
[docs] def remove_obstacle( self, obstacle: Union[ Obstacle, DynamicObstacle, PhantomObstacle, EnvironmentObstacle, StaticObstacle, List[Union[Obstacle, DynamicObstacle, PhantomObstacle, EnvironmentObstacle, StaticObstacle]], ], ): """Removes an obstacle or a list of obstacles from the scenario. If the obstacle ID is not assigned, a warning message is given. :param obstacle: obstacle to be removed """ assert isinstance( obstacle, (list, Obstacle, DynamicObstacle, PhantomObstacle, EnvironmentObstacle, StaticObstacle) ), ( "<Scenario/remove_obstacle> argument " '"obstacle" of wrong type. ' "Expected type: %s. Got type: %s." % (Obstacle, type(obstacle)) ) if isinstance(obstacle, list): for obs in obstacle: self.remove_obstacle(obs) return if obstacle.obstacle_id in self._static_obstacles: self._remove_static_obstacle_from_lanelets(obstacle.obstacle_id, obstacle.initial_shape_lanelet_ids) del self._static_obstacles[obstacle.obstacle_id] self._id_set.remove(obstacle.obstacle_id) elif obstacle.obstacle_id in self._dynamic_obstacles: self._remove_dynamic_obstacle_from_lanelets(obstacle) del self._dynamic_obstacles[obstacle.obstacle_id] self._id_set.remove(obstacle.obstacle_id) elif obstacle.obstacle_id in self._environment_obstacle: del self._environment_obstacle[obstacle.obstacle_id] self._id_set.remove(obstacle.obstacle_id) elif obstacle.obstacle_id in self._phantom_obstacle: del self._phantom_obstacle[obstacle.obstacle_id] self._id_set.remove(obstacle.obstacle_id) else: warnings.warn( "<Scenario/remove_obstacle> Cannot remove obstacle with ID %s, " "since it is not contained in the scenario." % obstacle.obstacle_id )
[docs] def erase_lanelet_network(self): """ Removes all elements from lanelet network. """ for lanelet in self.lanelet_network.lanelets: self.remove_lanelet(lanelet) # also removes referenced objects for traffic_sign in self.lanelet_network.traffic_signs: self.remove_traffic_sign(traffic_sign) for traffic_light in self.lanelet_network.traffic_lights: self.remove_traffic_light(traffic_light) for intersection in self.lanelet_network.intersections: self.remove_intersection(intersection) self._lanelet_network = LaneletNetwork()
[docs] def replace_lanelet_network(self, lanelet_network: LaneletNetwork): """ Removes lanelet network with all its elements from the scenario and replaces it with new lanelet network. :param lanelet_network: new lanelet network """ self.erase_lanelet_network() self.add_objects(lanelet_network)
[docs] def remove_hanging_lanelet_members(self, remove_lanelet: Union[List[Lanelet], Lanelet]): """ After removing lanelet(s) from remove_lanelet, this function removes all traffic lights and signs that are not used by other lanelets. :param remove_lanelet: Lanelet that should be removed from scenario. """ all_lanelets = self.lanelet_network.lanelets remove_lanelet_ids = [la.lanelet_id for la in remove_lanelet] remaining_lanelets = [la for la in all_lanelets if la.lanelet_id not in remove_lanelet_ids] traffic_signs_to_delete = set().union(*[la.traffic_signs for la in remove_lanelet]) traffic_lights_to_delete = set().union(*[la.traffic_lights for la in remove_lanelet]) traffic_signs_to_save = set().union(*[la.traffic_signs for la in remaining_lanelets]) traffic_lights_to_save = set().union(*[la.traffic_lights for la in remaining_lanelets]) remove_traffic_signs = [] remove_traffic_lights = [] for t in self.lanelet_network.traffic_signs: if t.traffic_sign_id in set(traffic_signs_to_delete - traffic_signs_to_save): remove_traffic_signs.append(self.lanelet_network.find_traffic_sign_by_id(t.traffic_sign_id)) for t in self.lanelet_network.traffic_lights: if t.traffic_light_id in set(traffic_lights_to_delete - traffic_lights_to_save): remove_traffic_lights.append(self.lanelet_network.find_traffic_light_by_id(t.traffic_light_id)) self.remove_traffic_sign(remove_traffic_signs) self.remove_traffic_light(remove_traffic_lights)
[docs] def remove_lanelet(self, lanelet: Union[List[Lanelet], Lanelet], referenced_elements: bool = True): """ Removes a lanelet or a list of lanelets from a scenario. :param lanelet: Lanelet which should be removed from scenario. :param referenced_elements: Boolean indicating whether references of lanelet should also be removed. """ assert isinstance( lanelet, (list, Lanelet) ), '<Scenario/remove_lanelet> argument "lanelet" of wrong type. ' "Expected type: %s. Got type: %s." % ( Lanelet, type(lanelet), ) assert isinstance(referenced_elements, bool), ( '<Scenario/remove_lanelet> argument "referenced_elements" of wrong type. ' "Expected type: %s, Got type: %s." % (bool, type(referenced_elements)) ) if not isinstance(lanelet, list): lanelet = [lanelet] if referenced_elements: self.remove_hanging_lanelet_members(lanelet) for la in lanelet: self.lanelet_network.remove_lanelet(la.lanelet_id) self._id_set.remove(la.lanelet_id)
[docs] def remove_traffic_sign(self, traffic_sign: Union[List[TrafficSign], TrafficSign]): """ Removes a traffic sign or a list of traffic signs from the scenario. :param traffic_sign: Traffic sign which should be removed from scenario. """ assert isinstance(traffic_sign, (list, TrafficSign)), ( '<Scenario/remove_traffic_sign> argument "traffic_sign" of wrong ' "type. " "Expected type: %s. Got type: %s." % (TrafficSign, type(traffic_sign)) ) if isinstance(traffic_sign, list): for sign in traffic_sign: self.lanelet_network.remove_traffic_sign(sign.traffic_sign_id) self._id_set.remove(sign.traffic_sign_id) return self.lanelet_network.remove_traffic_sign(traffic_sign.traffic_sign_id) self._id_set.remove(traffic_sign.traffic_sign_id)
[docs] def remove_traffic_light(self, traffic_light: Union[List[TrafficLight], TrafficLight]): """ Removes a traffic sign or a list of traffic signs from the scenario. :param traffic_light: Traffic light which should be removed from scenario. """ assert isinstance(traffic_light, (list, TrafficLight)), ( "<Scenario/remove_traffic_light> " 'argument "traffic_light" of wrong type. ' "Expected type: %s. " "Got type: %s." % (TrafficLight, type(traffic_light)) ) if isinstance(traffic_light, list): for light in traffic_light: self.lanelet_network.remove_traffic_light(light.traffic_light_id) self._id_set.remove(light.traffic_light_id) return self.lanelet_network.remove_traffic_light(traffic_light.traffic_light_id) self._id_set.remove(traffic_light.traffic_light_id)
[docs] def remove_intersection(self, intersection: Union[List[Intersection], Intersection]): """ Removes an intersection or a list of intersections from the scenario. :param intersection: Intersection which should be removed from scenario. """ assert isinstance(intersection, (list, Intersection)), ( "<Scenario/remove_intersection> argument " '"intersection" of wrong type. Expected type: %s. ' "Got type: %s." % (Intersection, type(intersection)) ) if isinstance(intersection, list): for inter in intersection: self.lanelet_network.remove_intersection(inter.intersection_id) self._id_set.remove(inter.intersection_id) return self.lanelet_network.remove_intersection(intersection.intersection_id) self._id_set.remove(intersection.intersection_id) for inc in intersection.incomings: self._id_set.remove(inc.incoming_id)
[docs] def generate_object_id(self) -> int: """Generates a unique ID which is not assigned to any object in the scenario. :return: unique object ID """ if self._id_counter is None: self._id_counter = 0 if len(self._id_set) > 0: max_id_used = max(self._id_set) self._id_counter = max(self._id_counter, max_id_used) self._id_counter += 1 return self._id_counter
[docs] def occupancies_at_time_step( self, time_step: int, obstacle_role: Union[None, ObstacleRole] = None ) -> List[Occupancy]: """Returns the occupancies of all static and dynamic obstacles at a specific time step. :param time_step: occupancies of obstacles at this time step :param obstacle_role: obstacle role as defined in CommonRoad, e.g., static or dynamic :return: list of occupancies of the obstacles """ assert is_natural_number( time_step ), '<Scenario/occupancies_at_time> argument "time_step" of wrong type. ' "Expected type: %s. Got type: %s." % ( int, type(time_step), ) assert isinstance(obstacle_role, (ObstacleRole, type(None))), ( '<Scenario/obstacles_by_role_and_type> argument "obstacle_role" of wrong type. Expected types: ' " %s or %s. Got type: %s." % (ObstacleRole, None, type(obstacle_role)) ) occupancies = list() for obstacle in self.obstacles: if (obstacle_role is None or obstacle.obstacle_role == obstacle_role) and obstacle.occupancy_at_time( time_step ): occupancies.append(obstacle.occupancy_at_time(time_step)) return occupancies
[docs] def obstacle_by_id(self, obstacle_id: int) -> Union[Obstacle, DynamicObstacle, StaticObstacle, None]: """ Finds an obstacle for a given obstacle_id :param obstacle_id: ID of the queried obstacle :return: the obstacle object if the ID exists, otherwise None """ assert is_integer_number( obstacle_id ), '<Scenario/obstacle_by_id> argument "obstacle_id" of wrong type. ' "Expected type: %s. Got type: %s." % ( int, type(obstacle_id), ) obstacle = None if obstacle_id in self._static_obstacles: obstacle = self._static_obstacles[obstacle_id] elif obstacle_id in self._dynamic_obstacles: obstacle = self._dynamic_obstacles[obstacle_id] elif obstacle_id in self._phantom_obstacle: obstacle = self._phantom_obstacle[obstacle_id] elif obstacle_id in self._environment_obstacle: obstacle = self._environment_obstacle[obstacle_id] else: warnings.warn( "<Scenario/obstacle_by_id> Obstacle with ID %s is not contained in the scenario." % obstacle_id ) return obstacle
[docs] def obstacles_by_role_and_type( self, obstacle_role: Union[None, ObstacleRole] = None, obstacle_type: Union[None, ObstacleType] = None ) -> List[Obstacle]: """ Filters the obstacles by their role and type. :param obstacle_role: obstacle role as defined in CommonRoad, e.g., static or dynamic :param obstacle_type: obstacle type as defined in CommonRoad, e.g., car, train, or bus :return: list of all obstacles satisfying the given obstacle_role and obstacle_type """ assert isinstance(obstacle_role, (ObstacleRole, type(None))), ( '<Scenario/obstacles_by_role_and_type> argument "obstacle_role" of wrong type. Expected types: ' " %s or %s. Got type: %s." % (ObstacleRole, None, type(obstacle_role)) ) assert isinstance(obstacle_type, (ObstacleType, type(None))), ( '<Scenario/obstacles_by_role_and_type> argument "obstacle_type" of wrong type. Expected types: ' " %s or %s. Got type: %s." % (ObstacleType, None, type(obstacle_type)) ) obstacle_list = list() for obstacle in self.obstacles: if (obstacle_role is None or obstacle.obstacle_role == obstacle_role) and ( obstacle_type is None or obstacle.obstacle_type == obstacle_type ): obstacle_list.append(obstacle) return obstacle_list
[docs] def obstacles_by_position_intervals( self, position_intervals: List[Interval], obstacle_role: Tuple[ObstacleRole] = (ObstacleRole.DYNAMIC, ObstacleRole.STATIC), time_step: int = None, ) -> List[Obstacle]: """ Returns obstacles which center is located within in the given x-/y-position intervals. :param position_intervals: list of intervals for x- and y-coordinates [interval_x, interval_y] :param obstacle_role: tuple containing the desired obstacle roles :param time_step: Time step of interest. :return: list of obstacles in the position intervals """ def contained_in_interval(position: np.ndarray): if position_intervals[0].contains(position[0]) and position_intervals[1].contains(position[1]): return True return False if time_step is None: time_step = 0 obstacle_role = set(obstacle_role) obstacle_list = list() if ObstacleRole.DYNAMIC in obstacle_role: for obstacle in self.dynamic_obstacles: occ = obstacle.occupancy_at_time(time_step) if occ is not None: if not hasattr(occ.shape, "center"): obstacle_list.append(obstacle) elif contained_in_interval( obstacle_list.append(obstacle) if ObstacleRole.Phantom in obstacle_role: for obstacle in self.phantom_obstacle: occ = obstacle.occupancy_at_time(time_step) if occ is not None: if not hasattr(occ.shape, "center"): obstacle_list.append(obstacle) elif contained_in_interval( obstacle_list.append(obstacle) if ObstacleRole.STATIC in obstacle_role: for obstacle in self.static_obstacles: if contained_in_interval(obstacle.initial_state.position): obstacle_list.append(obstacle) if ObstacleRole.ENVIRONMENT in obstacle_role: for obstacle in self.environment_obstacle: if not hasattr(obstacle.obstacle_shape, "center"): obstacle_list.append(obstacle) elif contained_in_interval( obstacle_list.append(obstacle) return obstacle_list
[docs] def obstacle_states_at_time_step(self, time_step: int) -> Dict[int, TraceState]: """ Returns all obstacle states which exist at a provided time step. :param time_step: time step of interest :return: dictionary which maps id to obstacle state at time step """ assert is_natural_number(time_step), ( '<Scenario/obstacle_at_time_step> argument "time_step" of wrong type. ' "Expected type: %s. Got type: %s." % (int, type(time_step)) ) obstacle_states = {} for obstacle in self.dynamic_obstacles: if obstacle.state_at_time(time_step) is not None: obstacle_states[obstacle.obstacle_id] = obstacle.state_at_time(time_step) for obstacle in self.static_obstacles: obstacle_states[obstacle.obstacle_id] = obstacle.initial_state return obstacle_states
[docs] def assign_obstacles_to_lanelets( self, time_steps: Union[List[int], None] = None, obstacle_ids: Union[Set[int], None] = None, use_center_only=False, ): """ Assigns center points and shapes of obstacles to lanelets by setting the attributes Obstacle.prediction.initial_shape_lanelet_ids, .shape_lanelet_assignment, .initial_center_lanelet_ids, & .center_lanelet_assignment, and Lanelet.dynamic_obstacles_on_lanelet & .static_obstacles_on_lanelet. :param time_steps: time step for which the obstacles should be assigned. If None, all time_steps are assigned. :param obstacle_ids: ids for which the assignment should be computed. If None, all obstacles are :param use_center_only: if False, the shape is used to find occupied lanelets. Otherwise, only the center is used. """ def assign_dynamic_obstacle_shape_at_time(obstacle: DynamicObstacle, time_step) -> bool: # assign center of obstacle # print(time_step, [state.time_step for state in obstacle.prediction.trajectory.state_list]) if time_step == obstacle.initial_state.time_step: position = obstacle.initial_state.position elif ( not isinstance(obstacle.prediction, TrajectoryPrediction) or obstacle.prediction.final_time_step < time_step ): return False else: position = obstacle.prediction.trajectory.state_at_time_step(time_step).position lanelet_ids_center = set(self.lanelet_network.find_lanelet_by_position([position])[0]) if obstacle.prediction is not None: obstacle.prediction.center_lanelet_assignment[time_step] = lanelet_ids_center if use_center_only: lanelet_ids = lanelet_ids_center else: # assign shape of obstacle shape = obstacle.occupancy_at_time(time_step).shape lanelet_ids = set(self.lanelet_network.find_lanelet_by_shape(shape)) if obstacle.prediction is not None: obstacle.prediction.shape_lanelet_assignment[time_step] = lanelet_ids if time_step == obstacle.initial_state.time_step: if not use_center_only: obstacle.initial_shape_lanelet_ids = lanelet_ids obstacle.initial_center_lanelet_ids = lanelet_ids_center for l_id in lanelet_ids: self.lanelet_network.find_lanelet_by_id(l_id).add_dynamic_obstacle_to_lanelet( obstacle_id=obstacle.obstacle_id, time_step=time_step ) return True def assign_static_obstacle(obstacle: StaticObstacle): shape = obstacle.occupancy_at_time(0).shape if not use_center_only: lanelet_ids = set(self.lanelet_network.find_lanelet_by_shape(shape)) obstacle.initial_shape_lanelet_ids = lanelet_ids lanelet_ids = set(self.lanelet_network.find_lanelet_by_position([obstacle.initial_state.position])[0]) obstacle.initial_center_lanelet_ids = lanelet_ids for l_id in lanelet_ids: self.lanelet_network.find_lanelet_by_id(l_id).add_static_obstacle_to_lanelet( obstacle_id=obstacle.obstacle_id ) if obstacle_ids is None: # assign all obstacles obstacle_ids = set(self._static_obstacles.keys()).union(set(self._dynamic_obstacles.keys())) for obs_id in obstacle_ids: obs = self.obstacle_by_id(obs_id) if isinstance(obs, DynamicObstacle): if time_steps is None: # assign all time steps if obs.prediction is None: time_steps_tmp = [obs.initial_state.time_step] else: time_steps_tmp = range(obs.initial_state.time_step, obs.prediction.final_time_step + 1) else: time_steps_tmp = time_steps if obs.prediction is not None: if not use_center_only and obs.prediction.shape_lanelet_assignment is None: obs.prediction.shape_lanelet_assignment = {} if obs.prediction.center_lanelet_assignment is None: obs.prediction.center_lanelet_assignment = {} for t in time_steps_tmp: assign_dynamic_obstacle_shape_at_time(obs, t) else: assign_static_obstacle(obs)
[docs] def translate_rotate(self, translation: np.ndarray, angle: float): """Translates and rotates all objects, e.g., obstacles and road network, in the scenario. :param translation: translation vector [x_off, y_off] in x- and y-direction :param angle: rotation angle in radian (counter-clockwise) """ assert is_real_number_vector(translation, 2), ( '<Scenario/translate_rotate>: argument "translation" is ' "not a vector of real numbers of length 2. " "translation = {}.".format(translation) ) assert is_valid_orientation( angle ), '<Scenario/translate_rotate>: argument "orientation" is not valid. ' "angle = {}.".format(angle) self._lanelet_network.translate_rotate(translation, angle) for obstacle in self.obstacles: obstacle.translate_rotate(translation, angle)
[docs] def convert_to_2d(self, map_name: Optional[str] = None) -> None: """Convert the scenario to 2D by removing the z-coordinate from all objects in the scenario. :param map_name: name for the 2D map to be used in the scenario ID (if None, "2D" is appended to the current name) """ if map_name is not None: self.scenario_id.map_name = map_name else: self.scenario_id.map_name += "2D" self._lanelet_network.convert_to_2d()
def _is_object_id_used(self, object_id: int) -> bool: """Checks if an ID is already assigned to an object in the scenario. :param object_id: object ID to be checked :return: True, if the object ID is already assigned, False otherwise """ return object_id in self._id_set def _mark_object_id_as_used(self, object_id: int): """Checks if an ID is assigned to an object in the scenario. If the ID is already assigned an error is raised, otherwise, the ID is added to the set of assigned IDs. :param object_id: object ID to be checked :raise ValueError: if the object ID is already assigned to another object in the scenario. """ if self._id_counter is None: self._id_counter = object_id if self._is_object_id_used(object_id): raise ValueError("ID %s is already used." % object_id) self._id_set.add(object_id) def __str__(self): traffic_str = "\n" traffic_str += "Scenario:\n" traffic_str += "- Scenario ID: {}\n".format(str(self.scenario_id)) traffic_str += "- Time step size: {}\n".format(self._dt) traffic_str += "- Number of Obstacles: {}\n".format(len(self.obstacles)) traffic_str += "- Lanelets:\n" traffic_str += str(self._lanelet_network) return traffic_str
[docs] def draw(self, renderer: IRenderer, draw_params: OptionalSpecificOrAllDrawParams[MPDrawParams] = None): renderer.draw_scenario(self, draw_params)