Source code for commonroad.scenario.lanelet

import copy
import warnings
from collections import defaultdict
from datetime import datetime
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Set, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
from shapely.geometry import Point as ShapelyPoint
from shapely.geometry import Polygon as ShapelyPolygon
from shapely.strtree import STRtree

import commonroad.geometry.transform
from commonroad.common.common_lanelet import (
from commonroad.common.util import Time, subtract_orientations
from commonroad.common.validity import (
from commonroad.geometry.shape import Circle, Polygon, Rectangle, Shape, ShapeGroup
from commonroad.scenario.area import Area
from commonroad.scenario.intersection import Intersection
from commonroad.scenario.obstacle import Obstacle
from commonroad.scenario.state import TraceState
from commonroad.scenario.traffic_light import TrafficLight
from commonroad.scenario.traffic_sign import TrafficSign
from commonroad.visualization.draw_params import (
from commonroad.visualization.drawable import IDrawable
from commonroad.visualization.renderer import IRenderer

[docs]class Lanelet: """ Class which describes a Lanelet entity according to the CommonRoad specification. Each lanelet is described by a left and right boundary (polylines). Furthermore, lanelets have relations to other lanelets, e.g. an adjacent left neighbor or a predecessor. """ def __init__( self, left_vertices: np.ndarray, center_vertices: np.ndarray, right_vertices: np.ndarray, lanelet_id: int, predecessor: Optional[List[int]] = None, successor: Optional[List[int]] = None, adjacent_left: Optional[int] = None, adjacent_left_same_direction: Optional[bool] = None, adjacent_right: Optional[int] = None, adjacent_right_same_direction: Optional[bool] = None, line_marking_left_vertices: LineMarking = LineMarking.NO_MARKING, line_marking_right_vertices: LineMarking = LineMarking.NO_MARKING, stop_line: Optional[StopLine] = None, lanelet_type: Optional[Set[LaneletType]] = None, user_one_way: Optional[Set[RoadUser]] = None, user_bidirectional: Optional[Set[RoadUser]] = None, traffic_signs: Optional[Set[int]] = None, traffic_lights: Optional[Set[int]] = None, adjacent_areas: Optional[Set[int]] = None, ): """ Constructor of a Lanelet object :param left_vertices: The vertices of the left boundary of the Lanelet described as a polyline [[x0,y0],[x1,y1],...,[xn,yn]] :param center_vertices: The vertices of the center line of the Lanelet described as a polyline [[x0,y0],[x1,y1],...,[xn,yn]] :param right_vertices: The vertices of the right boundary of the Lanelet described as a polyline [[x0,y0],[x1,y1],...,[xn,yn]] :param lanelet_id: The unique id (natural number) of the lanelet :param predecessor: The list of predecessor lanelets (None if not existing) :param successor: The list of successor lanelets (None if not existing) :param adjacent_left: The adjacent left lanelet (None if not existing) :param adjacent_left_same_direction: True if the adjacent left lanelet has the same driving direction, false otherwise (None if no left adjacent lanelet exists) :param adjacent_right: The adjacent right lanelet (None if not existing) :param adjacent_right_same_direction: True if the adjacent right lanelet has the same driving direction, false otherwise (None if no right adjacent lanelet exists) :param line_marking_left_vertices: The type of line marking of the left boundary :param line_marking_right_vertices: The type of line marking of the right boundary :param stop_line: The stop line of the lanelet :param lanelet_type: The types of lanelet applicable here :param user_one_way: type of users that will use the lanelet as one-way :param user_bidirectional: type of users that will use the lanelet as bidirectional way :param traffic_signs: Traffic signs to be applied :param traffic_lights: Traffic lights to follow :param adjacent_areas: Areas that are adjacent to the lanelet """ # Set required properties self._left_vertices = None self._right_vertices = None self._center_vertices = None self._lanelet_id = None self.lanelet_id = lanelet_id self.left_vertices = left_vertices self.right_vertices = right_vertices self.center_vertices = center_vertices # check if length of each polyline is the same assert ( len(left_vertices[0]) == len(center_vertices[0]) == len(right_vertices[0]) ), "<Lanelet/init>: Provided polylines do not share the same length! {}/{}/{}".format( len(left_vertices[0]), len(center_vertices[0]), len(right_vertices[0]) ) # Set lane markings self._line_marking_left_vertices = line_marking_left_vertices self._line_marking_right_vertices = line_marking_right_vertices # Set predecessors and successors self._predecessor = None if predecessor is None: self._predecessor = [] else: self.predecessor = predecessor self._successor = None if successor is None: self._successor = [] else: self.successor = successor # Set adjacent lanelets self._adj_left = None self._adj_left_same_direction = None if adjacent_left is not None: self.adj_left = adjacent_left self.adj_left_same_direction = adjacent_left_same_direction self._adj_right = None self._adj_right_same_direction = None if adjacent_right is not None: self.adj_right = adjacent_right self.adj_right_same_direction = adjacent_right_same_direction self._distance = None self._inner_distance = None # create empty polygon self._polygon = Polygon(np.concatenate((self.right_vertices, np.flip(self.left_vertices, 0)))) self._dynamic_obstacles_on_lanelet = {} self._static_obstacles_on_lanelet = set() self._stop_line = None if stop_line: self.stop_line = stop_line self._lanelet_type = None if lanelet_type is None: self._lanelet_type = set() else: self.lanelet_type = lanelet_type self._user_one_way = None if user_one_way is None: self._user_one_way = set() else: self.user_one_way = user_one_way self._user_bidirectional = None if user_bidirectional is None: self._user_bidirectional = set() else: self.user_bidirectional = user_bidirectional # Set Traffic Rules self._traffic_signs = None if traffic_signs is None: self._traffic_signs = set() else: self.traffic_signs = traffic_signs self._traffic_lights = None if traffic_lights is None: self._traffic_lights = set() else: self.traffic_lights = traffic_lights self._adjacent_areas = None if adjacent_areas is None: self._adjacent_areas = set() else: self.adjacent_areas = adjacent_areas def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Lanelet): warnings.warn(f"Inequality between Lanelet {repr(self)} and different type {type(other)}") return False list_elements_eq = self._stop_line == other.stop_line lanelet_eq = True polylines = [self._left_vertices, self._right_vertices, self._center_vertices] polylines_other = [other.left_vertices, other.right_vertices, other.center_vertices] for i in range(0, len(polylines)): polyline = polylines[i] polyline_other = polylines_other[i] polyline_string = np.array2string(np.around(polyline.astype(float), 10), precision=10) polyline_other_string = np.array2string(np.around(polyline_other.astype(float), 10), precision=10) lanelet_eq = lanelet_eq and polyline_string == polyline_other_string return ( list_elements_eq and lanelet_eq and self.lanelet_id == other.lanelet_id and self._line_marking_left_vertices == other.line_marking_left_vertices and self._line_marking_right_vertices == other.line_marking_right_vertices and set(self._predecessor) == set(other.predecessor) and set(self._successor) == set(other.successor) and self._adj_left == other.adj_left and self._adj_right == other.adj_right and self._adj_left_same_direction == other.adj_left_same_direction and self._adj_right_same_direction == other.adj_right_same_direction and self._lanelet_type == other.lanelet_type and self._user_one_way == self.user_one_way and self._user_bidirectional == other.user_bidirectional and self._traffic_signs == other.traffic_signs and self._traffic_lights == other.traffic_lights and self._adjacent_areas == other.adjacent_areas ) def __hash__(self): polylines = [self._left_vertices, self._right_vertices, self._center_vertices] polyline_strings = [] for polyline in polylines: polyline_string = np.array2string(np.around(polyline.astype(float), 10), precision=10) polyline_strings.append(polyline_string) elements = [ self._predecessor, self._successor, self._lanelet_type, self._user_one_way, self._user_bidirectional, self._traffic_signs, self._traffic_lights, self._adjacent_areas, ] frozen_elements = [frozenset(e) for e in elements] return hash( ( self._lanelet_id, tuple(polyline_strings), self._line_marking_left_vertices, self._line_marking_right_vertices, self._stop_line, self._adj_left, self._adj_right, self._adj_left_same_direction, self._adj_right_same_direction, tuple(frozen_elements), ) ) def __str__(self): return ( f"Lanelet with id {self._lanelet_id} has predecessors {set(self._predecessor)}, successors " f"{set(self._successor)}, left adjacency {self._adj_left} with " f"{'same' if self._adj_left_same_direction else 'opposite'} direction, and " f"right adjacency with {'same' if self._adj_right_same_direction else 'opposite'} direction" ) def __repr__(self): return ( f"Lanelet(left_vertices={self._left_vertices.tolist()}, " f"center_vertices={self._center_vertices.tolist()}, " f"right_vertices={self._right_vertices.tolist()}, lanelet_id={self._lanelet_id}, " f"predecessor={self._predecessor}, successor={self._successor}, adjacent_left={self._adj_left}, " f"adjacent_left_same_direction={self._adj_left_same_direction}, adjacent_right={self._adj_right}, " f"adjacent_right_same_direction={self._adj_right_same_direction}, " f"line_marking_left_vertices={self._line_marking_left_vertices}, " f"line_marking_right_vertices={self._line_marking_right_vertices}), " f"stop_line={repr(self._stop_line)}, lanelet_type={self._lanelet_type}, " f"user_one_way={self._user_one_way}, " f"user_bidirectional={self._user_bidirectional}, traffic_signs={self._traffic_signs}, " f"traffic_lights={self._traffic_lights}, " f"adjacent_areas={self._adjacent_areas}" ) @property def distance(self) -> np.ndarray: """ cumulative distance along center vertices """ if self._distance is None: self._distance = self._compute_polyline_cumsum_dist([self.center_vertices]) return self._distance @distance.setter def distance(self, distance: np.ndarray): self._distance = distance @property def inner_distance(self) -> np.ndarray: """ minimum cumulative distance along left and right vertices, i.e., along the inner curve: """ if self._inner_distance is None: self._inner_distance = self._compute_polyline_cumsum_dist([self.left_vertices, self.right_vertices]) return self._inner_distance @property def lanelet_id(self) -> int: return self._lanelet_id @lanelet_id.setter def lanelet_id(self, l_id: int): assert is_natural_number(l_id), "<Lanelet/lanelet_id>: Provided lanelet_id is not valid! id={}".format(l_id) self._lanelet_id = l_id @property def left_vertices(self) -> np.ndarray: return self._left_vertices @left_vertices.setter def left_vertices(self, polyline: np.ndarray): """ If the left vertices are strongly modified, the STRtree cannot be valid anymore! """ assert is_valid_polyline( polyline ), "<Lanelet/left_vertices>: The provided polyline " "is not valid! id = {} polyline = {}".format( self._lanelet_id, polyline ) self._left_vertices = polyline @property def right_vertices(self) -> np.ndarray: return self._right_vertices @right_vertices.setter def right_vertices(self, polyline: np.ndarray): """ If the right vertices are strongly modified, the STRtree cannot be valid anymore! """ assert is_valid_polyline( polyline ), "<Lanelet/right_vertices>: The provided polyline " "is not valid! id = {}, polyline = {}".format( self._lanelet_id, polyline ) self._right_vertices = polyline @staticmethod def _compute_polyline_cumsum_dist(polylines: List[np.ndarray], comparator=np.amin): d = [] for polyline in polylines: d.append(np.diff(polyline, axis=0)) segment_distances = np.empty((len(polylines[0]), len(polylines))) for i, d_tmp in enumerate(d): segment_distances[:, i] = np.append([0], np.sqrt((np.square(d_tmp)).sum(axis=1))) return np.cumsum(comparator(segment_distances, axis=1)) @property def center_vertices(self) -> np.ndarray: return self._center_vertices @center_vertices.setter def center_vertices(self, polyline: np.ndarray): assert is_valid_polyline( polyline ), "<Lanelet/center_vertices>: The provided polyline is not valid! polyline = {}".format(polyline) self._center_vertices = polyline @property def line_marking_left_vertices(self) -> LineMarking: return self._line_marking_left_vertices @line_marking_left_vertices.setter def line_marking_left_vertices(self, line_marking_left_vertices: LineMarking): assert isinstance(line_marking_left_vertices, LineMarking), ( "<Lanelet/line_marking_left_vertices>: Provided lane marking type of " "left boundary is not valid! type = {}".format(type(line_marking_left_vertices)) ) self._line_marking_left_vertices = line_marking_left_vertices @property def line_marking_right_vertices(self) -> LineMarking: return self._line_marking_right_vertices @line_marking_right_vertices.setter def line_marking_right_vertices(self, line_marking_right_vertices: LineMarking): assert isinstance(line_marking_right_vertices, LineMarking), ( "<Lanelet/line_marking_right_vertices>: Provided lane marking type of " "right boundary is not valid! type = {}".format(type(line_marking_right_vertices)) ) self._line_marking_right_vertices = line_marking_right_vertices @property def predecessor(self) -> list: return self._predecessor @predecessor.setter def predecessor(self, predecessor: list): assert ( is_list_of_natural_numbers(predecessor) and len(predecessor) >= 0 ), "<Lanelet/predecessor>: Provided list of predecessors is not valid! predecessors = {}".format(predecessor) self._predecessor = predecessor @property def successor(self) -> list: return self._successor @successor.setter def successor(self, successor: list): assert ( is_list_of_natural_numbers(successor) and len(successor) >= 0 ), "<Lanelet/predecessor>: Provided list of successors is not valid! successors = {}".format(successor) self._successor = successor @property def adj_left(self) -> int: return self._adj_left @adj_left.setter def adj_left(self, l_id: int): self._adj_left = l_id @property def adj_left_same_direction(self) -> bool: return self._adj_left_same_direction @adj_left_same_direction.setter def adj_left_same_direction(self, same: bool): assert isinstance( same, bool ), "<Lanelet/adj_left_same_direction>: provided direction " "is not of type bool! type = {}".format(type(same)) self._adj_left_same_direction = same @property def adj_right(self) -> int: return self._adj_right @adj_right.setter def adj_right(self, l_id: int): self._adj_right = l_id @property def adj_right_same_direction(self) -> bool: return self._adj_right_same_direction @adj_right_same_direction.setter def adj_right_same_direction(self, same: bool): assert isinstance( same, bool ), "<Lanelet/adj_right_same_direction>: provided direction " "is not of type bool! type = {}".format(type(same)) self._adj_right_same_direction = same @property def dynamic_obstacles_on_lanelet(self) -> Dict[int, Set[int]]: return self._dynamic_obstacles_on_lanelet @dynamic_obstacles_on_lanelet.setter def dynamic_obstacles_on_lanelet(self, obstacle_ids: Dict[int, Set[int]]): assert isinstance( obstacle_ids, dict ), "<Lanelet/obstacles_on_lanelet>: provided dictionary of ids is not a " "dictionary! type = {}".format( type(obstacle_ids) ) self._dynamic_obstacles_on_lanelet = obstacle_ids @property def static_obstacles_on_lanelet(self) -> Union[None, Set[int]]: return self._static_obstacles_on_lanelet @static_obstacles_on_lanelet.setter def static_obstacles_on_lanelet(self, obstacle_ids: Set[int]): assert isinstance( obstacle_ids, set ), "<Lanelet/obstacles_on_lanelet>: provided list of ids is not a " "set! type = {}".format(type(obstacle_ids)) self._static_obstacles_on_lanelet = obstacle_ids @property def stop_line(self) -> StopLine: return self._stop_line @stop_line.setter def stop_line(self, stop_line: StopLine): assert isinstance(stop_line, StopLine), "<Lanelet/stop_line>: " "Provided type is not valid! type = {}".format( type(stop_line) ) self._stop_line = stop_line @property def lanelet_type(self) -> Set[LaneletType]: return self._lanelet_type @lanelet_type.setter def lanelet_type(self, lanelet_type: Set[LaneletType]): assert isinstance(lanelet_type, set) and all(isinstance(elem, LaneletType) for elem in lanelet_type), ( "<Lanelet/lanelet_type>: " "Provided type is not " "valid! type = {}, " "expected = Set[LaneletType]".format(type(lanelet_type)) ) self._lanelet_type = lanelet_type @property def user_one_way(self) -> Set[RoadUser]: return self._user_one_way @user_one_way.setter def user_one_way(self, user_one_way: Set[RoadUser]): assert isinstance(user_one_way, set) and all( isinstance(elem, RoadUser) for elem in user_one_way ), "<Lanelet/user_one_way>: Provided type is not " "valid! type = {}".format(type(user_one_way)) self._user_one_way = user_one_way @property def user_bidirectional(self) -> Set[RoadUser]: return self._user_bidirectional @user_bidirectional.setter def user_bidirectional(self, user_bidirectional: Set[RoadUser]): assert isinstance(user_bidirectional, set) and all( isinstance(elem, RoadUser) for elem in user_bidirectional ), "<Lanelet/user_bidirectional>: Provided type is not valid! type = {}".format(type(user_bidirectional)) self._user_bidirectional = user_bidirectional @property def traffic_signs(self) -> Set[int]: return self._traffic_signs @traffic_signs.setter def traffic_signs(self, traffic_sign_ids: Set[int]): assert isinstance( traffic_sign_ids, set ), "<Lanelet/traffic_signs>: provided list of ids is not a " "set! type = {}".format(type(traffic_sign_ids)) self._traffic_signs = traffic_sign_ids @property def traffic_lights(self) -> Set[int]: return self._traffic_lights @traffic_lights.setter def traffic_lights(self, traffic_light_ids: Set[int]): assert isinstance( traffic_light_ids, set ), "<Lanelet/traffic_lights>: provided list of ids is not a " "set! type = {}".format(type(traffic_light_ids)) self._traffic_lights = traffic_light_ids @property def adjacent_areas(self) -> Set[int]: return self._adjacent_areas @adjacent_areas.setter def adjacent_areas(self, value: Set[int]): assert isinstance( value, set ), "<Lanelet/adjacent_areas>: provided list of ids is not a " "set! type = {}".format(type(value)) self._adjacent_areas = value @property def polygon(self) -> Polygon: return self._polygon
[docs] def add_predecessor(self, lanelet: int): """ Adds the ID of a predecessor lanelet to the list of predecessors. :param lanelet: Predecessor lanelet ID. """ if lanelet not in self.predecessor: self.predecessor.append(lanelet)
[docs] def remove_predecessor(self, lanelet: int): """ Removes the ID of a predecessor lanelet from the list of predecessors. :param lanelet: Predecessor lanelet ID. """ if lanelet in self.predecessor: self.predecessor.remove(lanelet)
[docs] def add_successor(self, lanelet: int): """ Adds the ID of a successor lanelet to the list of successors. :param lanelet: Successor lanelet ID. """ if lanelet not in self.successor: self.successor.append(lanelet)
[docs] def remove_successor(self, lanelet: int): """ Removes the ID of a successor lanelet from the list of successors. :param lanelet: Successor lanelet ID. """ if lanelet in self.successor: self.successor.remove(lanelet)
[docs] def translate_rotate(self, translation: np.ndarray, angle: float): """ This method translates and rotates a lanelet :param translation: The translation given as [x_off,y_off] for the x and y translation :param angle: The rotation angle in radian (counter-clockwise defined) """ assert is_real_number_vector( translation, 2 ), "<Lanelet/translate_rotate>: provided translation " "is not valid! translation = {}".format(translation) assert is_valid_orientation( angle ), "<Lanelet/translate_rotate>: provided angle is not valid! angle = {}".format(angle) # create transformation matrix t_m = commonroad.geometry.transform.translation_rotation_matrix(translation, angle) # transform center vertices tmp =, np.ones((1, self.center_vertices.shape[0]))))) tmp = tmp[0:2, :] self._center_vertices = tmp.transpose() # transform left vertices tmp =, np.ones((1, self.left_vertices.shape[0]))))) tmp = tmp[0:2, :] self._left_vertices = tmp.transpose() # transform right vertices tmp =, np.ones((1, self.right_vertices.shape[0]))))) tmp = tmp[0:2, :] self._right_vertices = tmp.transpose() # transform the stop line if self._stop_line is not None: self._stop_line.translate_rotate(translation, angle) # recreate polygon in case it existed self._polygon = Polygon(np.concatenate((self.right_vertices, np.flip(self.left_vertices, 0))))
[docs] def convert_to_2d(self) -> None: """ Convert the lanelet to 2D by removing the z-coordinate from all vertices. This has no effect if the lanelet is already 2D. """ self._center_vertices = self._center_vertices[:, :2] self._left_vertices = self._left_vertices[:, :2] self._right_vertices = self._right_vertices[:, :2] if self._stop_line is not None: self._stop_line.convert_to_2d() # recreate polygon in 2D self._polygon = Polygon(np.concatenate((self.right_vertices, np.flip(self.left_vertices, 0))))
[docs] def interpolate_position(self, distance: float) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, int]: """ Computes the interpolated positions on the center/right/left polyline of the lanelet for a given distance along the lanelet :param distance: The distance for the interpolation :return: The interpolated positions on the center/right/left polyline and the segment id of the polyline where the interpolation takes place in the form ([x_c,y_c],[x_r,y_r],[x_l,y_l], segment_id) """ assert ( is_real_number(distance) and np.greater_equal(self.distance[-1], distance) and np.greater_equal(distance, 0) ), "<Lanelet/interpolate_position>: provided distance is not valid! distance = {}".format(distance) idx = np.searchsorted(self.distance, distance) - 1 while not self.distance[idx] <= distance: idx += 1 r = (distance - self.distance[idx]) / (self.distance[idx + 1] - self.distance[idx]) return ( (1 - r) * self._center_vertices[idx] + r * self._center_vertices[idx + 1], (1 - r) * self._right_vertices[idx] + r * self._right_vertices[idx + 1], (1 - r) * self._left_vertices[idx] + r * self._left_vertices[idx + 1], idx, )
[docs] def convert_to_polygon(self) -> Polygon: """ Converts the given lanelet to a polygon representation :return: The polygon of the lanelet """ warnings.warn("Use the lanelet property <polygon> instead", DeprecationWarning) return self._polygon
[docs] def contains_points(self, point_list: np.ndarray) -> List[bool]: """ Checks if a list of points is enclosed in the lanelet :param point_list: The list of points in the form [[px1,py1],[px2,py2,],...] :return: List of Boolean values with True indicating point is enclosed and False otherwise """ assert isinstance( point_list, ValidTypes.ARRAY ), "<Lanelet/contains_points>: provided list of points is not a list! type " "= {}".format(type(point_list)) assert is_valid_polyline( point_list ), "Lanelet/contains_points>: provided list of points is malformed! points = {}".format(point_list) return [self._polygon.contains_point(p) for p in point_list]
[docs] def get_obstacles(self, obstacles: List[Obstacle], time_step: int = 0) -> List[Obstacle]: """ Returns the subset of obstacles, which are located in the lanelet, of a given candidate set :param obstacles: The set of obstacle candidates :param time_step: The time step for the occupancy to check :return: """ assert isinstance(obstacles, list) and all( isinstance(o, Obstacle) for o in obstacles ), "<Lanelet/get_obstacles>: Provided list of obstacles" " is malformed! obstacles = {}".format(obstacles) # output list res = list() lanelet_shapely_obj = self._polygon.shapely_object # look at each obstacle for o in obstacles: o_shape = o.occupancy_at_time(time_step).shape # vertices to check shape_shapely_objects = list() # distinguish between shape and shape group and extract vertices if isinstance(o_shape, ShapeGroup): shape_shapely_objects.extend([sh.shapely_object for sh in o_shape.shapes]) else: shape_shapely_objects.append(o_shape.shapely_object) # check if obstacle is in lane for shapely_obj in shape_shapely_objects: if lanelet_shapely_obj.intersects(shapely_obj): res.append(o) break return res
@staticmethod def _merge_static_obstacles_on_lanelet(obstacles_on_lanelet1: Set[int], obstacles_on_lanelet2: Set[int]): """ Merges obstacle IDs of static obstacles on two lanelets :param obstacles_on_lanelet1: Obstacle IDs on the first lanelet :param obstacles_on_lanelet2: Obstacle IDs on the second lanelet :return: Merged obstacle IDs of static obstacles on lanelets """ for obs_id in obstacles_on_lanelet2: if obs_id not in obstacles_on_lanelet1: obstacles_on_lanelet1.add(obs_id) return obstacles_on_lanelet1 @staticmethod def _merge_dynamic_obstacles_on_lanelet( obstacles_on_lanelet1: Dict[int, Set[int]], obstacles_on_lanelet2: Dict[int, Set[int]] ): """ Merges obstacle IDs of static obstacles on two lanelets :param obstacles_on_lanelet1: Obstacle IDs on the first lanelet :param obstacles_on_lanelet2: Obstacle IDs on the second lanelet :return: Merged obstacle IDs of static obstacles on lanelets """ if len(obstacles_on_lanelet2.items()) > 0: for time_step, ids in obstacles_on_lanelet2.items(): for obs_id in ids: if obstacles_on_lanelet1.get(time_step) is not None: if obs_id not in obstacles_on_lanelet1[time_step]: obstacles_on_lanelet1[time_step].add(obs_id) else: obstacles_on_lanelet1[time_step] = {obs_id} return obstacles_on_lanelet1
[docs] @classmethod def merge_lanelets(cls, lanelet1: "Lanelet", lanelet2: "Lanelet") -> "Lanelet": """ Merges two lanelets which are in predecessor-successor relation :param lanelet1: The first lanelet :param lanelet2: The second lanelet :return: Merged lanelet (predecessor => successor) """ assert isinstance(lanelet1, Lanelet), "<Lanelet/merge_lanelets>: lanelet1 is not a valid lanelet object!" assert isinstance(lanelet2, Lanelet), "<Lanelet/merge_lanelets>: lanelet1 is not a valid lanelet object!" # check connection via successor / predecessor assert ( lanelet1.lanelet_id in lanelet2.successor or lanelet2.lanelet_id in lanelet1.successor or lanelet1.lanelet_id in lanelet2.predecessor or lanelet2.lanelet_id in lanelet1.predecessor ), ( "<Lanelet/merge_lanelets>: cannot merge two not " "connected lanelets! successors of l1 = {}, successors " "of l2 = {}".format(lanelet1.successor, lanelet2.successor) ) # check pred and successor if lanelet1.lanelet_id in lanelet2.predecessor or lanelet2.lanelet_id in lanelet1.successor: pred = lanelet1 suc = lanelet2 else: pred = lanelet2 suc = lanelet1 # build new merged lanelet (remove first node of successor if both lanes are connected) # check connectedness if np.isclose(pred.left_vertices[-1], suc.left_vertices[0]).all(): idx = 1 else: idx = 0 # create new lanelet left_vertices = np.concatenate((pred.left_vertices, suc.left_vertices[idx:])) right_vertices = np.concatenate((pred.right_vertices, suc.right_vertices[idx:])) center_vertices = np.concatenate((pred.center_vertices, suc.center_vertices[idx:])) lanelet_id = int(str(pred.lanelet_id) + str(suc.lanelet_id)) predecessor = pred.predecessor successor = suc.successor static_obstacles_on_lanelet = cls._merge_static_obstacles_on_lanelet( lanelet1.static_obstacles_on_lanelet, lanelet2.static_obstacles_on_lanelet ) dynamic_obstacles_on_lanelet = cls._merge_dynamic_obstacles_on_lanelet( lanelet1.dynamic_obstacles_on_lanelet, lanelet2.dynamic_obstacles_on_lanelet ) new_lanelet = Lanelet( left_vertices, center_vertices, right_vertices, lanelet_id, predecessor=predecessor, successor=successor ) new_lanelet.static_obstacles_on_lanelet = static_obstacles_on_lanelet new_lanelet.dynamic_obstacles_on_lanelet = dynamic_obstacles_on_lanelet return new_lanelet
[docs] @classmethod def all_lanelets_by_merging_successors_from_lanelet( cls, lanelet: "Lanelet", network: "LaneletNetwork", max_length: float = 150.0 ) -> Tuple[List["Lanelet"], List[List[int]]]: """ Computes all reachable lanelets starting from a provided lanelet and merges them to a single lanelet for each route. :param lanelet: The lanelet to start from :param network: The network which contains all lanelets :param max_length: maximal length of merged lanelets can be provided :return: List of merged lanelets, Lists of lanelet ids of which each merged lanelet consists """ assert isinstance(lanelet, Lanelet), "<Lanelet>: provided lanelet is not a valid Lanelet!" assert isinstance(network, LaneletNetwork), ( "<Lanelet>: provided lanelet network is not a " "valid lanelet network!" ) assert network.find_lanelet_by_id(lanelet.lanelet_id) is not None, ( "<Lanelet>: lanelet not " "contained in network!" ) if lanelet.successor is None or len(lanelet.successor) == 0: return [lanelet], [[lanelet.lanelet_id]] merge_jobs = lanelet.find_lanelet_successors_in_range(network, max_length=max_length) merge_jobs = [[lanelet] + [network.find_lanelet_by_id(p) for p in path] for path in merge_jobs] # Create merged lanelets from paths merged_lanelets = list() merge_jobs_final = [] for path in merge_jobs: pred = path[0] merge_jobs_tmp = [pred.lanelet_id] for lanelet in path[1:]: merge_jobs_tmp.append(lanelet.lanelet_id) pred = Lanelet.merge_lanelets(pred, lanelet) merge_jobs_final.append(merge_jobs_tmp) merged_lanelets.append(pred) return merged_lanelets, merge_jobs_final
[docs] @classmethod def all_lanelets_by_merging_predecessors_from_lanelet( cls, lanelet: "Lanelet", network: "LaneletNetwork", max_length: float = 150.0 ) -> Tuple[List["Lanelet"], List[List[int]]]: """ Computes all predecessor lanelets starting from a provided lanelet and merges them to a single lanelet for each route. :param lanelet: The lanelet to start from :param network: The network which contains all lanelets :param max_length: maximal length of merged lanelets can be provided :return: List of merged lanelets, Lists of lanelet ids of which each merged lanelet consists """ assert isinstance(lanelet, Lanelet), "<Lanelet>: provided lanelet is not a valid Lanelet!" assert isinstance(network, LaneletNetwork), ( "<Lanelet>: provided lanelet network is not a " "valid lanelet network!" ) if lanelet.predecessor is None or len(lanelet.predecessor) == 0: return [lanelet], [[lanelet.lanelet_id]] merge_jobs = lanelet.find_lanelet_predecessors_in_range(network, max_length=max_length) merge_jobs = [[lanelet] + [network.find_lanelet_by_id(p) for p in path] for path in merge_jobs] # Create merged lanelets from paths merged_lanelets = list() merge_jobs_final = [] for path in merge_jobs: pred = path[0] merge_jobs_tmp = [pred.lanelet_id] for lanelet in path[1:]: merge_jobs_tmp.append(lanelet.lanelet_id) pred = Lanelet.merge_lanelets(pred, lanelet) merge_jobs_final.append(merge_jobs_tmp) merged_lanelets.append(pred) return merged_lanelets, merge_jobs_final
[docs] def find_lanelet_successors_in_range(self, lanelet_network: "LaneletNetwork", max_length=50.0) -> List[List[int]]: """ Finds all possible successor paths (id sequences) within max_length. :param lanelet_network: lanelet network :param max_length: abort once length of path is reached :return: list of lanelet IDs """ paths = [[s] for s in self.successor] paths_final = [] lengths = [lanelet_network.find_lanelet_by_id(s).distance[-1] for s in self.successor] while paths: paths_next = [] lengths_next = [] for p, le in zip(paths, lengths): successors = lanelet_network.find_lanelet_by_id(p[-1]).successor if not successors: paths_final.append(p) else: for s in successors: if s in p or s == self.lanelet_id or le >= max_length: # prevent loops and consider length of first successor paths_final.append(p) continue l_next = le + lanelet_network.find_lanelet_by_id(s).distance[-1] if l_next < max_length: paths_next.append(p + [s]) lengths_next.append(l_next) else: paths_final.append(p + [s]) paths = paths_next lengths = lengths_next return paths_final
[docs] def find_lanelet_predecessors_in_range(self, lanelet_network: "LaneletNetwork", max_length=50.0) -> List[List[int]]: """ Finds all possible predecessor paths (id sequences) within max_length. :param lanelet_network: lanelet network :param max_length: abort once length of path is reached :return: list of lanelet IDs """ paths = [[p] for p in self.predecessor] paths_final = [] lengths = [lanelet_network.find_lanelet_by_id(p).distance[-1] for p in self.predecessor] while paths: paths_next = [] lengths_next = [] for p, le in zip(paths, lengths): predecessors = lanelet_network.find_lanelet_by_id(p[-1]).predecessor if not predecessors: paths_final.append(p) else: for pred in predecessors: if pred in p or pred == self.lanelet_id or le >= max_length: # prevent loops and consider length of first predecessor paths_final.append(p) continue l_next = le + lanelet_network.find_lanelet_by_id(pred).distance[-1] if l_next < max_length: paths_next.append(p + [pred]) lengths_next.append(l_next) else: paths_final.append(p + [pred]) paths = paths_next lengths = lengths_next return paths_final
[docs] def add_dynamic_obstacle_to_lanelet(self, obstacle_id: int, time_step: int): """ Adds a dynamic obstacle ID to lanelet :param obstacle_id: obstacle ID to add :param time_step: time step at which the obstacle should be added """ if self.dynamic_obstacles_on_lanelet.get(time_step) is None: self.dynamic_obstacles_on_lanelet[time_step] = set() self.dynamic_obstacles_on_lanelet[time_step].add(obstacle_id)
[docs] def add_static_obstacle_to_lanelet(self, obstacle_id: int): """ Adds a static obstacle ID to lanelet :param obstacle_id: obstacle ID to add """ self.static_obstacles_on_lanelet.add(obstacle_id)
[docs] def add_traffic_sign_to_lanelet(self, traffic_sign_id: int): """ Adds a traffic sign ID to lanelet :param traffic_sign_id: traffic sign ID to add """ self.traffic_signs.add(traffic_sign_id)
[docs] def add_traffic_light_to_lanelet(self, traffic_light_id: int): """ Adds a traffic light ID to lanelet :param traffic_light_id: traffic light ID to add """ self.traffic_lights.add(traffic_light_id)
[docs] def add_adjacent_area_to_lanelet(self, area_id: int): """ Adds an area ID to lanelet :param area_id: adjacent area ID to add """ self.adjacent_areas.add(area_id)
[docs] def dynamic_obstacle_by_time_step(self, time_step) -> Set[int]: """ Returns all dynamic obstacles on lanelet at specific time step :param time_step: time step of interest :returns: list of obstacle IDs """ if self.dynamic_obstacles_on_lanelet.get(time_step) is not None: return self.dynamic_obstacles_on_lanelet.get(time_step) else: return set()
[docs] def orientation_by_position(self, position: np.ndarray) -> float: """ Returns lanelet orientation closest to a given position :param position: position of interest :return: orientation in interval [-pi,pi] """ def check_angle(point, point1, point2): vector_1 = point - point1 vector_2 = point2 - point1 def unit_vector(vector): norm = np.linalg.norm(vector) if np.isclose(norm, 0.0): return vector else: return vector / norm dot_product =, unit_vector(vector_2)) return np.rad2deg(np.arccos(dot_product)) assert ( check_angle(position, self.center_vertices[-1], self.center_vertices[-2]) <= 90 and check_angle(position, self.center_vertices[0], self.center_vertices[1]) <= 90 ) position_diff_square = np.sum((self.center_vertices - position) ** 2, axis=1) closest_vertex_index = np.argmin(position_diff_square) if closest_vertex_index == len(self.center_vertices) - 1: vertex1 = self.center_vertices[closest_vertex_index - 1, :] vertex2 = self.center_vertices[closest_vertex_index, :] else: vertex1 = self.center_vertices[closest_vertex_index, :] vertex2 = self.center_vertices[closest_vertex_index + 1, :] direction_vector = vertex2 - vertex1 return np.arctan2(direction_vector[1], direction_vector[0])
class MapInformation: """ Class which represents additional information about Lanelet Network """ def __init__( self, commonroad_version: str = "2023a", map_id: str = "map_id", date: Time = None, author: str = "author", affiliation: str = "affiliation", source: str = "source", licence_name: str = "licence_name", licence_text: str = None, ): """ Constructor for MapInformation :param commonroad_version: version of CommonRoad :param map_id: the id of the lanelet network :param date: date of the lanelet network :param author: author of the lanelet network :param affiliation: affiliation of the lanelet network :param source: source of the lanelet network :param licence_name: licence name of the lanelet network :param licence_text: licence text of the lanelet network """ self._commonroad_version = commonroad_version self._map_id = map_id if date is None: time = self._date = Time(time.hour, time.minute,, time.month, time.year) else: self._date = date self._author = author self._affiliation = affiliation self._source = source self._licence_name = licence_name if licence_text is None: self._licence_text = "" else: self._licence_text = licence_text def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, MapInformation): warnings.warn(f"Inequality between MapInformation {repr(self)} and different type {type(other)}") return False return ( self._commonroad_version == other.commonroad_version and self._map_id == other.map_id and self._date == and self._author == and self._affiliation == other.affiliation and self._source == other.source and self._licence_name == other.licence_name and self._licence_text == other.licence_text ) def __repr__(self): return ( f"MapInformation(commonroad_version={self._commonroad_version}, map_id={self._map_id}," f" date={self._date}, author={self._author}, affiliation={self._affiliation}, source={self._source}," f" licence_name={self._licence_name}, licence_text={self._licence_text}" ) def __str__(self): return ( f"MapInformation with commonroad version {self._commonroad_version}, map_id {self._map_id}," f" date {self._date}, author {self._author}, affiliation {self._affiliation}, source {self._source}," f" licence name {self._licence_name} and licence text {self._licence_text}" ) def __hash__(self): return hash( ( self._commonroad_version, self._map_id, self._date, self._author, self._affiliation, self._source, self._licence_name, self._licence_text, ) ) @property def commonroad_version(self) -> str: """Version of CommonRoad.""" return self._commonroad_version @commonroad_version.setter def commonroad_version(self, commonroad_version: str): assert isinstance( commonroad_version, str ), "<MapInformation/commonroad_version>: " "Provided commonroad_version is not valid! id={}".format( commonroad_version ) self._commonroad_version = commonroad_version @property def map_id(self) -> str: """The id of the lanelet network.""" return self._map_id @map_id.setter def map_id(self, map_id: str): assert isinstance(map_id, str), "<MapInformation/map_id>: Provided map_id is not valid! id={}".format(map_id) self._map_id = map_id @property def date(self) -> Time: """Date of the lanelet network.""" return self._date @date.setter def date(self, date: Time): assert isinstance(date, Time), "<MapInformation/date>: Provided date is not valid! id={}".format(date) self._date = date @property def author(self) -> str: """Author of the lanelet network.""" return self._author @author.setter def author(self, author: str): assert isinstance(author, str), "<MapInformation/author>: Provided author is not valid! id={}".format(author) self._author = author @property def affiliation(self) -> str: """Affiliation of the lanelet network.""" return self._affiliation @affiliation.setter def affiliation(self, affiliation: str): assert isinstance( affiliation, str ), "<MapInformation/affiliation>: " "Provided affiliation is not valid! id={}".format(affiliation) self._affiliation = affiliation @property def source(self) -> str: """Source of the lanelet network.""" return self._source @source.setter def source(self, source: str): assert isinstance(source, str), "<MapInformation/source>: " "Provided source is not valid! id={}".format(source) self._source = source @property def licence_name(self) -> str: """Licence name of the lanelet network.""" return self._licence_name @licence_name.setter def licence_name(self, licence_name: str): assert isinstance( licence_name, str ), "<MapInformation/licence_name>: " "Provided licence_name is not valid! id={}".format(licence_name) self._licence_name = licence_name @property def licence_text(self) -> Union[None, str]: """Licence text of the lanelet network.""" return self._licence_text @licence_text.setter def licence_text(self, licence_text: Union[None, str]): self._licence_text = licence_text
[docs]class LaneletNetwork(IDrawable): """ Class which represents a network of connected lanelets """ def __init__(self, information: MapInformation = MapInformation()): """ Constructor for LaneletNetwork :param information: map information of the lanelet network """ self._information = information self._lanelets: Dict[int, Lanelet] = {} # lanelet_id, shapely_polygon self._buffered_polygons: Dict[int, ShapelyPolygon] = {} self._strtee = None # id(shapely_polygon), lanelet_id self._lanelet_id_index_by_id: Dict[int, int] = {} self._intersections: Dict[int, Intersection] = {} self._traffic_signs: Dict[int, TrafficSign] = {} self._traffic_lights: Dict[int, TrafficLight] = {} self._areas: Dict[int, Area] = {} # pickling of STRtree is not supported by shapely at the moment # use this workaround described in this issue: # def __getstate__(self): state = self.__dict__.copy() del state["_strtee"] return state def __setstate__(self, state): self.__dict__.update(state) self._create_strtree() def __deepcopy__(self, memo): cls = self.__class__ result = cls.__new__(cls) # reset self._strtee = None memo[id(self)] = result for k, v in self.__dict__.items(): setattr(result, k, copy.deepcopy(v, memo)) result._create_strtree() # restore self._create_strtree() return result def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, LaneletNetwork): warnings.warn(f"Inequality between LaneletNetwork {repr(self)} and different type {type(other)}") return False list_elements_eq = True lanelet_network_eq = True elements = [self._lanelets, self._intersections, self._traffic_signs, self._traffic_lights, self._areas] elements_other = [ other._lanelets, other._intersections, other._traffic_signs, other._traffic_lights, other._areas, ] for i in range(0, len(elements)): e = elements[i] e_other = elements_other[i] lanelet_network_eq = lanelet_network_eq and len(e) == len(e_other) for k in e.keys(): if k not in e_other: lanelet_network_eq = False continue if e.get(k) != e_other.get(k): list_elements_eq = False if self._information != other._information: lanelet_network_eq = False return lanelet_network_eq and list_elements_eq def __hash__(self): return hash( ( self._information, frozenset(self._lanelets.items()), frozenset(self._intersections.items()), frozenset(self._traffic_signs.items()), frozenset(self._traffic_lights.items()), frozenset(self._areas.items()), ) ) def __str__(self): return ( f"LaneletNetwork consists of lanelets {set(self._lanelets.keys())}, " f"intersections {set(self._intersections.keys())}, " f"traffic signs {set(self._traffic_signs.keys())}," f"traffic lights {set(self._traffic_lights.keys())}" f"and adjacent areas {set(self._areas.keys())}" ) def __repr__(self): return ( f"LaneletNetwork(information={self._information}, lanelets={repr(self._lanelets)}, " f"intersections={repr(self._intersections)}, traffic_signs={repr(self._traffic_signs)}, " f"traffic_lights={repr(self._traffic_lights)}), areas={repr(self._areas)}" ) def _get_lanelet_id_by_shapely_polygon(self, polygon: ShapelyPolygon) -> int: return self._lanelet_id_index_by_id[id(polygon)] @property def information(self) -> MapInformation: """Map information of the lanelet network.""" return self._information @information.setter def information(self, information: MapInformation): assert isinstance( information, MapInformation ), "<LaneletNetwork/information>: provided information is not " "valid! information = {}".format(information) self._information = information @property def lanelets(self) -> List[Lanelet]: """List of lanelets of the lanelet network.""" return list(self._lanelets.values()) @property def lanelet_polygons(self) -> List[Polygon]: """List of polygons of the lanelet network.""" return [la.polygon for la in self.lanelets] @property def intersections(self) -> List[Intersection]: """List of intersections of the lanelet network.""" return list(self._intersections.values()) @property def traffic_signs(self) -> List[TrafficSign]: """List of traffic signs of the lanelet network.""" return list(self._traffic_signs.values()) @property def traffic_lights(self) -> List[TrafficLight]: """List of traffic lights of the lanelet network.""" return list(self._traffic_lights.values()) @property def areas(self) -> List[Area]: """List of areas of the lanelet network.""" return list(self._areas.values()) @property def map_inc_lanelets_to_intersections(self) -> Dict[int, Intersection]: """ dict that maps lanelet ids to the intersection of which it is an incoming lanelet. """ return { l_id: intersection for intersection in self.intersections for l_id in list(intersection.map_incoming_lanelets.keys()) }
[docs] @classmethod def create_from_lanelet_list(cls, lanelets: List[Lanelet], cleanup_ids: bool = True): """ Creates a LaneletNetwork object from a given list of lanelets :param lanelets: The list of lanelets :param cleanup_ids: cleans up unused ids :return: The LaneletNetwork for the given list of lanelets """ assert isinstance(lanelets, list) and all(isinstance(la, Lanelet) for la in lanelets), ( "<LaneletNetwork/create_from_lanelet_list>:" "Provided list of lanelets is not valid! " "lanelets = {}".format(lanelets) ) # create lanelet network lanelet_network = cls() # add each lanelet to the lanelet network for la in lanelets: lanelet_network.add_lanelet(copy.deepcopy(la), rtree=False) if cleanup_ids: lanelet_network.cleanup_lanelet_references() lanelet_network.cleanup_traffic_light_references() lanelet_network.cleanup_traffic_sign_references() lanelet_network._create_strtree() return lanelet_network
[docs] @classmethod def create_from_lanelet_network( cls, lanelet_network: "LaneletNetwork", shape_input: Optional[Shape] = None, exclude_lanelet_types: Optional[Set[LaneletType]] = None, cleanup_ids: bool = True, ): """ Creates a lanelet network from a given lanelet network (copy); adding a shape reduces the lanelets to those that intersect the shape provided and specifying a lanelet_type set excludes the lanelet types in the new created network. :param lanelet_network: The existing lanelet network :param shape_input: The lanelets intersecting this shape will be in the new network :param exclude_lanelet_types: Removes all lanelets with these lanelet_types :param cleanup_ids: Boolean indicating whether unused IDs should be deleted :return: The new lanelet network """ if exclude_lanelet_types is None: exclude_lanelet_types = set() new_lanelet_network = cls() traffic_sign_ids = set() traffic_light_ids = set() area_ids = set() lanelets = set() for la in lanelet_network.lanelets: if ( len(la.lanelet_type.intersection(exclude_lanelet_types)) > 0 or shape_input is not None and not shape_input.shapely_object.intersects(la.polygon.shapely_object) ): continue lanelets.add(la) for sign_id in la.traffic_signs: traffic_sign_ids.add(sign_id) for light_id in la.traffic_lights: traffic_light_ids.add(light_id) for area_id in la.adjacent_areas: area_ids.add(area_id) for sign_id in traffic_sign_ids: new_lanelet_network.add_traffic_sign(copy.deepcopy(lanelet_network.find_traffic_sign_by_id(sign_id)), set()) for light_id in traffic_light_ids: new_lanelet_network.add_traffic_light( copy.deepcopy(lanelet_network.find_traffic_light_by_id(light_id)), set() ) for area_id in area_ids: new_lanelet_network.add_area(copy.deepcopy(lanelet_network.find_area_by_id(area_id)), set()) for la in lanelets: new_lanelet_network.add_lanelet(copy.deepcopy(la), rtree=False) if cleanup_ids: new_lanelet_network.cleanup_lanelet_references() new_lanelet_network._create_strtree() return new_lanelet_network
def _create_strtree(self): """ Creates spatial index for lanelets for faster querying the lanelets by position. Since it is an immutable object, it has to be recreated after every lanelet addition or it should be done once after all lanelets are added. """ # validate buffered polygons def assert_shapely_polygon(lanelet_id, polygon): if not isinstance(polygon, ShapelyPolygon): warnings.warn( f"Lanelet with id {lanelet_id}'s polygon is not a <shapely.geometry.Polygon> object! It will " f"be OMITTED from STRtree, therefore this lanelet will NOT be contained in the results of the " f"find_lanelet_by_<position/shape>() functions!!" ) return False else: return True self._buffered_polygons = { lanelet_id: lanelet_shapely_polygon for lanelet_id, lanelet_shapely_polygon in self._buffered_polygons.items() if assert_shapely_polygon(lanelet_id, lanelet_shapely_polygon) } self._lanelet_id_index_by_id = { id(lanelet_shapely_polygon): lanelet_id for lanelet_id, lanelet_shapely_polygon in self._buffered_polygons.items() } self._strtee = STRtree(list(self._buffered_polygons.values()))
[docs] def remove_lanelet(self, lanelet_id: int, rtree: bool = True): """ Removes a lanelet from a lanelet network and deletes all references. :param lanelet_id: ID of lanelet which should be removed. :param rtree: Boolean indicating whether rtree should be initialized """ if lanelet_id in self._lanelets.keys(): del self._lanelets[lanelet_id] del self._buffered_polygons[lanelet_id] self.cleanup_lanelet_references() if rtree: self._create_strtree()
[docs] def cleanup_lanelet_references(self): """ Deletes lanelet IDs which do not exist in the lanelet network. Useful when cutting out lanelet networks. """ existing_ids = set(self._lanelets.keys()) for la in self.lanelets: la._predecessor = list(set(la.predecessor).intersection(existing_ids)) la._successor = list(set(la.successor).intersection(existing_ids)) la._adj_left = None if la.adj_left is None or la.adj_left not in existing_ids else la.adj_left la._adj_left_same_direction = ( None if la.adj_left_same_direction is None or la.adj_left not in existing_ids else la.adj_left_same_direction ) la._adj_right = None if la.adj_right is None or la.adj_right not in existing_ids else la.adj_right la._adj_right_same_direction = ( None if la.adj_right_same_direction is None or la.adj_right not in existing_ids else la.adj_right_same_direction ) for inter in self.intersections: for inc in inter.incomings: inc._incoming_lanelets = set(inc.incoming_lanelets).intersection(existing_ids) inc._successors_straight = set(inc.successors_straight).intersection(existing_ids) inc._successors_right = set(inc.successors_right).intersection(existing_ids) inc._successors_left = set(inc.successors_left).intersection(existing_ids) inter._crossings = set(inter.crossings).intersection(existing_ids)
[docs] def remove_traffic_sign(self, traffic_sign_id: int): """ Removes a traffic sign from a lanelet network and deletes all references. :param traffic_sign_id: ID of traffic sign which should be removed. """ if traffic_sign_id in self._traffic_signs.keys(): del self._traffic_signs[traffic_sign_id] self.cleanup_traffic_sign_references()
[docs] def get_traffic_sign_referenced_lanelets(self, traffic_sign_id) -> List[Lanelet]: """ Retrieves the lanelets which have a reference to the given traffic_sign_id :param traffic_sign_id: Id of the Traffic Sign of which the lanelets should be searched :returns: List of Lanelets which have a reference to the Traffic Sign """ return list(filter(lambda la: traffic_sign_id in la.traffic_signs, self.lanelets))
[docs] def get_traffic_lights_referenced_lanelets(self, traffic_light_id) -> List[Lanelet]: """ Retrieves the lanelets which have a reference to the given traffic_light_id :param traffic_light_id: Id of the Traffic Light of which the lanelets should be searched :returns: List of Lanelets which have a reference to the Traffic Light """ return list(filter(lambda la: traffic_light_id in la.traffic_lights, self.lanelets))
[docs] def cleanup_traffic_sign_references(self): """ Deletes traffic sign IDs which do not exist in the lanelet network. Useful when cutting out lanelet networks. """ existing_ids = set(self._traffic_signs.keys()) for la in self.lanelets: la._traffic_signs = la.traffic_signs.intersection(existing_ids) if la.stop_line is not None and la.stop_line.traffic_sign_ref is not None: la.stop_line._traffic_sign_ref = la.stop_line.traffic_sign_ref.intersection(existing_ids)
[docs] def remove_traffic_light(self, traffic_light_id: int): """ Removes a traffic light from a lanelet network and deletes all references. :param traffic_light_id: ID of traffic sign which should be removed. """ if traffic_light_id in self._traffic_lights.keys(): del self._traffic_lights[traffic_light_id] self.cleanup_traffic_light_references()
[docs] def cleanup_traffic_light_references(self): """ Deletes traffic light IDs which do not exist in the lanelet network. Useful when cutting out lanelet networks. """ existing_ids = set(self._traffic_lights.keys()) for la in self.lanelets: la._traffic_lights = la.traffic_lights.intersection(existing_ids) if la.stop_line is not None and la.stop_line.traffic_light_ref is not None: la.stop_line._traffic_light_ref = la.stop_line.traffic_light_ref.intersection(existing_ids)
[docs] def remove_area(self, area_id: int): """ Removes an area from a lanelet network and deletes all references. @param area_id: ID of area which should be removed. """ if area_id in self._areas.keys(): del self._areas[area_id]
[docs] def remove_intersection(self, intersection_id: int): """ Removes an intersection from a lanelet network and deletes all references. :param intersection_id: ID of intersection which should be removed. """ if intersection_id in self._intersections.keys(): del self._intersections[intersection_id]
[docs] def find_lanelet_by_id(self, lanelet_id: int) -> Lanelet: """ Finds a lanelet for a given lanelet_id :param lanelet_id: The id of the lanelet to find :return: The lanelet object if the id exists and None otherwise """ assert is_natural_number( lanelet_id ), "<LaneletNetwork/find_lanelet_by_id>: provided id is not valid! id = {}".format(lanelet_id) return self._lanelets[lanelet_id] if lanelet_id in self._lanelets else None
[docs] def find_traffic_sign_by_id(self, traffic_sign_id: int) -> TrafficSign: """ Finds a traffic sign for a given traffic_sign_id :param traffic_sign_id: The id of the traffic sign to find :return: The traffic sign object if the id exists and None otherwise """ assert is_natural_number( traffic_sign_id ), "<LaneletNetwork/find_traffic_sign_by_id>: provided id is not valid! " "id = {}".format(traffic_sign_id) return self._traffic_signs[traffic_sign_id] if traffic_sign_id in self._traffic_signs else None
[docs] def find_traffic_light_by_id(self, traffic_light_id: int) -> TrafficLight: """ Finds a traffic light for a given traffic_light_id :param traffic_light_id: The id of the traffic light to find :return: The traffic light object if the id exists and None otherwise """ assert is_natural_number( traffic_light_id ), "<LaneletNetwork/find_traffic_light_by_id>: provided id is not valid! " "id = {}".format(traffic_light_id) return self._traffic_lights[traffic_light_id] if traffic_light_id in self._traffic_lights else None
[docs] def find_area_by_id(self, area_id: int) -> Area: """ Finds an area for a given area id :param area_id: The id of the area to find :return: The area object if the id exists and None otherwise """ assert is_natural_number( area_id ), "<LaneletNetwork/find_area_by_id>: provided id is not valid! " "id = {}".format(area_id) return self._areas[area_id] if area_id in self._areas else None
[docs] def find_intersection_by_id(self, intersection_id: int) -> Intersection: """ Finds a intersection for a given intersection_id :param intersection_id: The id of the intersection to find :return: The intersection object if the id exists and None otherwise """ assert is_natural_number( intersection_id ), "<LaneletNetwork/find_intersection_by_id>: " "provided id is not valid! id = {}".format(intersection_id) return self._intersections[intersection_id] if intersection_id in self._intersections else None
[docs] def add_lanelet(self, lanelet: Lanelet, rtree: bool = True): """ Adds a lanelet to the LaneletNetwork :param lanelet: The lanelet to add :param rtree: Boolean indicating whether rtree should be initialized :return: True if the lanelet has successfully been added to the network, false otherwise """ assert isinstance( lanelet, Lanelet ), "<LaneletNetwork/add_lanelet>: provided lanelet is not of " "type lanelet! type = {}".format(type(lanelet)) # check if lanelet already exists in network and warn user if lanelet.lanelet_id in self._lanelets.keys(): warnings.warn("Lanelet already exists in network! No changes are made.") return False else: self._lanelets[lanelet.lanelet_id] = lanelet self._buffered_polygons[lanelet.lanelet_id] = lanelet.polygon.shapely_object if rtree: self._create_strtree() return True
[docs] def add_traffic_sign(self, traffic_sign: TrafficSign, lanelet_ids: Set[int]): """ Adds a traffic sign to the LaneletNetwork :param traffic_sign: The traffic sign to add :param lanelet_ids: Lanelets the traffic sign should be referenced from :return: True if the traffic sign has successfully been added to the network, false otherwise """ assert isinstance( traffic_sign, TrafficSign ), "<LaneletNetwork/add_traffic_sign>: provided traffic sign is " "not of type traffic_sign! type = {}".format( type(traffic_sign) ) # check if traffic already exists in network and warn user if traffic_sign.traffic_sign_id in self._traffic_signs.keys(): warnings.warn( "Traffic sign with ID {} already exists in network! " "No changes are made.".format(traffic_sign.traffic_sign_id) ) return False else: self._traffic_signs[traffic_sign.traffic_sign_id] = traffic_sign for lanelet_id in lanelet_ids: lanelet = self.find_lanelet_by_id(lanelet_id) if lanelet is not None: lanelet.add_traffic_sign_to_lanelet(traffic_sign.traffic_sign_id) else: warnings.warn("Traffic sign cannot be referenced to lanelet because the lanelet does not exist.") return True
[docs] def add_traffic_light(self, traffic_light: TrafficLight, lanelet_ids: Set[int]): """ Adds a traffic light to the LaneletNetwork :param traffic_light: The traffic light to add :param lanelet_ids: Lanelets the traffic sign should be referenced from :return: True if the traffic light has successfully been added to the network, false otherwise """ assert isinstance(traffic_light, TrafficLight), ( "<LaneletNetwork/add_traffic_light>: provided traffic light " "is not of type traffic_light! " "type = {}".format(type(traffic_light)) ) # check if traffic already exists in network and warn user if traffic_light.traffic_light_id in self._traffic_lights.keys(): warnings.warn("Traffic light already exists in network! No changes are made.") return False else: self._traffic_lights[traffic_light.traffic_light_id] = traffic_light for lanelet_id in lanelet_ids: lanelet = self.find_lanelet_by_id(lanelet_id) if lanelet is not None: lanelet.add_traffic_light_to_lanelet(traffic_light.traffic_light_id) else: warnings.warn("Traffic light cannot be referenced to lanelet because the lanelet does not exist.") return True
[docs] def add_area(self, area: Area, lanelet_ids: Set[int]): """ Adds an area to the LaneletNetwork :param area: The area to add :param lanelet_ids: Lanelets the area should be referenced from :return: True if the area has successfully been added to the network, false otherwise """ assert isinstance(area, Area), ( "<LaneletNetwork/add_area>: provided area " "is not of type area! " "type = {}".format(type(area)) ) # check if adjacent area already exists in network and warn user if area.area_id in self._areas.keys(): warnings.warn("Area already exists in network! No changes are made.") return False else: self._areas[area.area_id] = area for lanelet_id in lanelet_ids: lanelet = self.find_lanelet_by_id(lanelet_id) if lanelet is not None: lanelet.add_adjacent_area_to_lanelet(area.area_id) else: warnings.warn("Area cannot be referenced to lanelet because the lanelet does not exist.") return True
[docs] def add_intersection(self, intersection: Intersection): """ Adds an intersection to the LaneletNetwork :param intersection: The intersection to add :return: True if the traffic light has successfully been added to the network, false otherwise """ assert isinstance( intersection, Intersection ), "<LaneletNetwork/add_intersection>: provided intersection is " "not of type Intersection! type = {}".format( type(intersection) ) # check if traffic already exists in network and warn user if intersection.intersection_id in self._intersections.keys(): warnings.warn("Intersection already exists in network! No changes are made.") return False else: self._intersections[intersection.intersection_id] = intersection return True
[docs] def add_lanelets_from_network(self, lanelet_network: "LaneletNetwork"): """ Adds lanelets from a given network object to the current network :param lanelet_network: The lanelet network :return: True if all lanelets have been added to the network, false otherwise """ flag = True # add lanelets to the network for la in lanelet_network.lanelets: flag = flag and self.add_lanelet(la, rtree=False) self._create_strtree() return flag
[docs] def translate_rotate(self, translation: np.ndarray, angle: float): """ Translates and rotates the complete lanelet network :param translation: The translation given as [x_off,y_off] for the x and y translation :param angle: The rotation angle in radian (counter-clockwise defined) """ assert is_real_number_vector( translation, 2 ), "<LaneletNetwork/translate_rotate>: provided translation is not valid! " "translation = {}".format( translation ) assert is_valid_orientation( angle ), "<LaneletNetwork/translate_rotate>: provided angle is not valid! angle = {}".format(angle) # rotate each lanelet for lanelet in self._lanelets.values(): lanelet.translate_rotate(translation, angle) for traffic_sign in self._traffic_signs.values(): traffic_sign.translate_rotate(translation, angle) for traffic_light in self._traffic_lights.values(): traffic_light.translate_rotate(translation, angle)
[docs] def convert_to_2d(self) -> None: """ Convert the lanelet network to 2D by removing the z-coordinate from all lanelets and traffic signs/lights. This has no effect if the lanelet network is already 2D. """ for lanelet in self._lanelets.values(): lanelet.convert_to_2d() for traffic_sign in self._traffic_signs.values(): traffic_sign.convert_to_2d() for traffic_light in self._traffic_lights.values(): traffic_light.convert_to_2d()
[docs] def find_lanelet_by_position(self, point_list: List[np.ndarray]) -> List[List[int]]: """ Finds the lanelet id of a given position :param point_list: The list of positions to check :return: A list of lanelet ids. If the position could not be matched to a lanelet, an empty list is returned """ assert isinstance( point_list, ValidTypes.LISTS ), "<Lanelet/contains_points>: provided list of points is not a list! type " "= {}".format(type(point_list)) shapely_points = [ShapelyPoint(p) for p in point_list] # Accepted tolerance tolerance = 1.0e-15 geometry_ids = self._strtee.query(shapely_points, predicate="dwithin", distance=tolerance) # Convert from [[input_index, str_geometry_id], ...] to # [[lanlet_id, ...], ...] lanelet_ids = defaultdict(list) for input_id, geom_id in zip(*geometry_ids): lanelet_shapely_polygon = self._strtee.geometries[geom_id] lanelet_id = self._get_lanelet_id_by_shapely_polygon(lanelet_shapely_polygon) lanelet_ids[input_id].append(lanelet_id) res = [lanelet_ids[i] for i, _ in enumerate(point_list)] return res
[docs] def find_lanelet_by_shape(self, shape: Shape) -> List[int]: """ Finds the lanelet id of a given shape :param shape: The shape to check :return: A list of lanelet ids. If the position could not be matched to a lanelet, an empty list is returned """ assert isinstance(shape, (Circle, Polygon, Rectangle)), ( "<Lanelet/find_lanelet_by_shape>: " "provided shape is not a shape! " "type = {}".format(type(shape)) ) res = [] for idx in self._strtee.query(shape.shapely_object): lanelet_shapely_polygon = self._strtee.geometries[idx] if lanelet_shapely_polygon.intersects(shape.shapely_object): res.append(self._get_lanelet_id_by_shapely_polygon(lanelet_shapely_polygon)) return res
def _sorted_lanelet_ids(self, lanelet_ids, state): if len(lanelet_ids) < 2: return lanelet_ids else: lanelet_id_list = np.array(lanelet_ids).astype(int) def compute_lanelet_relative_orientation(lanelet_id): lanelet = self.find_lanelet_by_id(lanelet_id) lanelet_orientation = lanelet.orientation_by_position(state.position) return np.abs(subtract_orientations(lanelet_orientation, state.orientation)) orientation_differences = np.array(list(map(compute_lanelet_relative_orientation, lanelet_id_list))) sorted_indices = np.argsort(orientation_differences) return list(lanelet_id_list[sorted_indices])
[docs] def find_most_likely_lanelet_by_state(self, state_list: List[TraceState]) -> List[int]: """ Finds the lanelet id of the position of a given state; in case of multiple overlapping lanelets, return the most likely lanelet according to the orientation difference between lanelets and given state :param state_list: The list of states to check :return: A list of lanelet ids. If the position could not be matched to a lanelet, an empty list is returned """ assert isinstance( state_list, ValidTypes.LISTS ), "<Lanelet/find_most_likely_lanelet_by_state>: " "provided list of points is not a list! type = {}".format( type(state_list) ) assert np.all([hasattr(state, "orientation") for state in state_list]), ( "<Lanelet/find_most_likely_lanelet_by_state>: provided state must have " "orientation!" ) return [ self._sorted_lanelet_ids(self.find_lanelet_by_position([state.position])[0], state)[0] for state in state_list ]
[docs] def filter_obstacles_in_network(self, obstacles: List[Obstacle]) -> List[Obstacle]: """ Returns the list of obstacles which are located in the lanelet network :param obstacles: The list of obstacles to check :return: The list of obstacles which are located in the lanelet network """ res = list() obstacle_to_lanelet_map = self.map_obstacles_to_lanelets(obstacles) for k in obstacle_to_lanelet_map.keys(): obs = obstacle_to_lanelet_map[k] for o in obs: if o not in res: res.append(o) return res
[docs] def map_obstacles_to_lanelets(self, obstacles: List[Obstacle]) -> Dict[int, List[Obstacle]]: """ Maps a given list of obstacles to the lanelets of the lanelet network :param obstacles: The list of CR obstacles :return: A dictionary with the lanelet id as key and the list of obstacles on the lanelet as a List[Obstacles] """ mapping = {} for la in self.lanelets: # map obstacles to current lanelet mapped_objs = la.get_obstacles(obstacles) # check if mapping is not empty if len(mapped_objs) > 0: mapping[la.lanelet_id] = mapped_objs return mapping
[docs] def lanelets_in_proximity(self, point: np.ndarray, radius: float) -> List[Lanelet]: """ Finds all lanelets which intersect a given circle, defined by the center point and radius :param point: The center of the circle :param radius: The radius of the circle :return: The list of lanelets which intersect the given circle """ assert is_real_number_vector( point, length=2 ), "<LaneletNetwork/lanelets_in_proximity>: provided point is " "not valid! point = {}".format(point) assert is_positive( radius ), "<LaneletNetwork/lanelets_in_proximity>: provided radius is not valid! radius = {}".format(radius) # get list of lanelet ids ids = self._lanelets.keys() # output list lanes = dict() rad_sqr = radius**2 # distance dict for sorting distance_list = list() # go through list of lanelets for i in ids: # if current lanelet has not already been added to lanes list if i not in lanes: lanelet = self.find_lanelet_by_id(i) # compute distances (we are not using the sqrt for computational effort) distance = (lanelet.center_vertices - point) ** 2.0 distance = distance[:, 0] + distance[:, 1] # check if at least one distance is smaller than the radius if any(np.greater_equal(rad_sqr, distance)): lanes[i] = self.find_lanelet_by_id(i) distance_list.append(np.min(distance)) # check if adjacent lanelets can be added as well index_min_dist = np.argmin(distance - rad_sqr) # check right side of lanelet if lanelet.adj_right is not None: p = (lanelet.right_vertices[index_min_dist, :] - point) ** 2 p = p[0] + p[1] if np.greater(rad_sqr, p) and lanelet.adj_right not in lanes: lanes[lanelet.adj_right] = self.find_lanelet_by_id(lanelet.adj_right) distance_list.append(p) # check left side of lanelet if lanelet.adj_left is not None: p = (lanelet.left_vertices[index_min_dist, :] - point) ** 2 p = p[0] + p[1] if np.greater(rad_sqr, p) and lanelet.adj_left not in lanes: lanes[lanelet.adj_left] = self.find_lanelet_by_id(lanelet.adj_left) distance_list.append(p) # sort list according to distance indices = np.argsort(distance_list) lanelets = list(lanes.values()) # return sorted list return [lanelets[i] for i in indices]
[docs] def draw(self, renderer: IRenderer, draw_params: OptionalSpecificOrAllDrawParams[LaneletNetworkParams] = None): renderer.draw_lanelet_network(self, draw_params)