Source code for commonroad.common.common_lanelet

import enum
import warnings
from typing import Set

import numpy as np

import commonroad.geometry.transform
from commonroad.common.validity import is_real_number_vector, is_valid_orientation

[docs]class RoadUser(enum.Enum): """ Enum describing different types of road users """ VEHICLE = "vehicle" CAR = "car" TRUCK = "truck" BUS = "bus" PRIORITY_VEHICLE = "priorityVehicle" MOTORCYCLE = "motorcycle" BICYCLE = "bicycle" PEDESTRIAN = "pedestrian" TRAIN = "train" TAXI = "taxi"
class LineMarking(enum.Enum): """ Enum describing different types of line markings, i.e. dashed or solid lines """ DASHED = "dashed" SOLID = "solid" SOLID_SOLID = "solid_solid" DASHED_DASHED = "dashed_dashed" SOLID_DASHED = "solid_dashed" DASHED_SOLID = "dashed_solid" CURB = "curb" LOWERED_CURB = "lowered_curb" BROAD_DASHED = "broad_dashed" BROAD_SOLID = "broad_solid" UNKNOWN = "unknown" NO_MARKING = "no_marking"
[docs]class LaneletType(enum.Enum): """ Enum describing different types of lanelets """ URBAN = "urban" COUNTRY = "country" HIGHWAY = "highway" DRIVE_WAY = "driveWay" MAIN_CARRIAGE_WAY = "mainCarriageWay" ACCESS_RAMP = "accessRamp" EXIT_RAMP = "exitRamp" SHOULDER = "shoulder" BUS_LANE = "busLane" BUS_STOP = "busStop" BICYCLE_LANE = "bicycleLane" SIDEWALK = "sidewalk" CROSSWALK = "crosswalk" INTERSTATE = "interstate" INTERSECTION = "intersection" BORDER = "border" PARKING = "parking" RESTRICTED = "restricted" # cars not allowed, e.g., special lanes for busses UNKNOWN = "unknown"
class StopLine: """Class which describes the stop line of a lanelet""" def __init__( self, start: np.ndarray, end: np.ndarray, line_marking: LineMarking, traffic_sign_ref: Set[int] = None, traffic_light_ref: Set[int] = None, ): self._start = start self._end = end self._line_marking = line_marking self._traffic_sign_ref = traffic_sign_ref self._traffic_light_ref = traffic_light_ref def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, StopLine): warnings.warn(f"Inequality between StopLine {repr(self)} and different type {type(other)}") return False prec = 10 start_string = np.array2string(np.around(self._start.astype(float), prec), precision=prec) start_other_string = np.array2string(np.around(other.start.astype(float), prec), precision=prec) end_string = np.array2string(np.around(self._end.astype(float), prec), precision=prec) end_other_string = np.array2string(np.around(other.end.astype(float), prec), precision=prec) return ( start_string == start_other_string and end_string == end_other_string and self._line_marking == other.line_marking and self._traffic_sign_ref == other.traffic_sign_ref and self._traffic_light_ref == other.traffic_light_ref ) def __hash__(self): if self._start is None: start_string = None else: start_string = np.array2string(np.around(self._start.astype(float), 10), precision=10) if self._end is None: end_string = None else: end_string = np.array2string(np.around(self._end.astype(float), 10), precision=10) sign_ref = None if self._traffic_sign_ref is None else frozenset(self._traffic_sign_ref) light_ref = None if self._traffic_light_ref is None else frozenset(self._traffic_light_ref) return hash((start_string, end_string, self._line_marking, sign_ref, light_ref)) def __str__(self): return f"StopLine from {self._start} to {self._end}" def __repr__(self): return ( f"StopLine(start={self._start.tolist()}, end={self._end.tolist()}, line_marking={self._line_marking}, " f"traffic_sign_ref={self._traffic_sign_ref}, traffic_light_ref={self._traffic_light_ref})" ) @property def start(self) -> np.ndarray: return self._start @start.setter def start(self, value: np.ndarray): self._start = value @property def end(self) -> np.ndarray: return self._end @end.setter def end(self, value: np.ndarray): self._end = value @property def line_marking(self) -> LineMarking: return self._line_marking @line_marking.setter def line_marking(self, marking: LineMarking): self._line_marking = marking @property def traffic_sign_ref(self) -> Set[int]: return self._traffic_sign_ref @traffic_sign_ref.setter def traffic_sign_ref(self, references: Set[int]): self._traffic_sign_ref = references @property def traffic_light_ref(self) -> Set[int]: return self._traffic_light_ref @traffic_light_ref.setter def traffic_light_ref(self, references: Set[int]): self._traffic_light_ref = references def translate_rotate(self, translation: np.ndarray, angle: float): """ This method translates and rotates a stop line :param translation: The translation given as [x_off,y_off] for the x and y translation :param angle: The rotation angle in radian (counter-clockwise defined) """ assert is_real_number_vector( translation, 2 ), "<Lanelet/translate_rotate>: provided translation " "is not valid! translation = {}".format(translation) assert is_valid_orientation( angle ), "<Lanelet/translate_rotate>: provided angle is not valid! angle = {}".format(angle) # create transformation matrix t_m = commonroad.geometry.transform.translation_rotation_matrix(translation, angle) line_vertices = np.array([self._start, self._end]) # transform center vertices tmp =, np.ones((1, line_vertices.shape[0]))))) tmp = tmp[0:2, :].transpose() self._start, self._end = tmp[0], tmp[1] def convert_to_2d(self) -> None: """ Convert the stop line to a 2D representation by removing the z-coordinate from start and end vertex. This has no effect if the stop line is already 2D. """ self._start = self._start[:2] self._end = self._end[:2]