Tutorial 03: road compliance checking

The collision checker library provides a convenient way to construct the road boundary for a scenario and check if the vehicle is within the road.

1. Load the scenario

We import necessary modules and load the example scenario.

%matplotlib inline
from time import time

# commonroad
from commonroad.common.file_reader import CommonRoadFileReader
from commonroad.visualization.mp_renderer import MPRenderer

from commonroad_dc.boundary import boundary
from commonroad_dc.collision.trajectory_queries import trajectory_queries
from commonroad_dc.collision.collision_detection.pycrcc_collision_dispatch import create_collision_checker
import commonroad_dc.pycrcc as pycrcc
from commonroad_dc.pycrcc.Util import trajectory_enclosure_polygons_static

def open_scenario(scenario_filename):
    crfr = CommonRoadFileReader(
    scenario, planning_problem_set = crfr.open()
    return scenario, planning_problem_set

#open the example scenario
scenario, planning_problem_set = open_scenario("Tut_compliance.xml")

# plot the scenario
rnd = MPRenderer(figsize=(25, 10))

/home/gerald/anaconda3/envs/commonroad1/lib/python3.7/site-packages/commonroad/common/reader/file_reader_xml.py:1344: UserWarning: State at time step 0 cannot be matched!
  warnings.warn("State at time step {} cannot be matched!".format(read_time(xml_node.find('time'))))
/home/gerald/anaconda3/envs/commonroad1/lib/python3.7/site-packages/commonroad/common/reader/file_reader_xml.py:1344: UserWarning: State at time step 1 cannot be matched!
  warnings.warn("State at time step {} cannot be matched!".format(read_time(xml_node.find('time'))))
/home/gerald/anaconda3/envs/commonroad1/lib/python3.7/site-packages/commonroad/common/reader/file_reader_xml.py:1344: UserWarning: State at time step 2 cannot be matched!
  warnings.warn("State at time step {} cannot be matched!".format(read_time(xml_node.find('time'))))
/home/gerald/anaconda3/envs/commonroad1/lib/python3.7/site-packages/commonroad/common/reader/file_reader_xml.py:1344: UserWarning: State at time step 3 cannot be matched!
  warnings.warn("State at time step {} cannot be matched!".format(read_time(xml_node.find('time'))))
/home/gerald/anaconda3/envs/commonroad1/lib/python3.7/site-packages/commonroad/common/reader/file_reader_xml.py:1344: UserWarning: State at time step 4 cannot be matched!
  warnings.warn("State at time step {} cannot be matched!".format(read_time(xml_node.find('time'))))
/home/gerald/anaconda3/envs/commonroad1/lib/python3.7/site-packages/commonroad/common/reader/file_reader_xml.py:1344: UserWarning: State at time step 5 cannot be matched!
  warnings.warn("State at time step {} cannot be matched!".format(read_time(xml_node.find('time'))))
/home/gerald/anaconda3/envs/commonroad1/lib/python3.7/site-packages/commonroad/common/reader/file_reader_xml.py:1344: UserWarning: State at time step 6 cannot be matched!
  warnings.warn("State at time step {} cannot be matched!".format(read_time(xml_node.find('time'))))
/home/gerald/anaconda3/envs/commonroad1/lib/python3.7/site-packages/commonroad/common/reader/file_reader_xml.py:1344: UserWarning: State at time step 7 cannot be matched!
  warnings.warn("State at time step {} cannot be matched!".format(read_time(xml_node.find('time'))))
/home/gerald/anaconda3/envs/commonroad1/lib/python3.7/site-packages/commonroad/common/reader/file_reader_xml.py:1344: UserWarning: State at time step 8 cannot be matched!
  warnings.warn("State at time step {} cannot be matched!".format(read_time(xml_node.find('time'))))
/home/gerald/anaconda3/envs/commonroad1/lib/python3.7/site-packages/commonroad/common/reader/file_reader_xml.py:1344: UserWarning: State at time step 9 cannot be matched!
  warnings.warn("State at time step {} cannot be matched!".format(read_time(xml_node.find('time'))))
/home/gerald/anaconda3/envs/commonroad1/lib/python3.7/site-packages/commonroad/common/reader/file_reader_xml.py:1344: UserWarning: State at time step 10 cannot be matched!
  warnings.warn("State at time step {} cannot be matched!".format(read_time(xml_node.find('time'))))
/home/gerald/anaconda3/envs/commonroad1/lib/python3.7/site-packages/commonroad/common/reader/file_reader_xml.py:1344: UserWarning: State at time step 11 cannot be matched!
  warnings.warn("State at time step {} cannot be matched!".format(read_time(xml_node.find('time'))))
/home/gerald/anaconda3/envs/commonroad1/lib/python3.7/site-packages/commonroad/common/reader/file_reader_xml.py:1344: UserWarning: State at time step 12 cannot be matched!
  warnings.warn("State at time step {} cannot be matched!".format(read_time(xml_node.find('time'))))
/home/gerald/anaconda3/envs/commonroad1/lib/python3.7/site-packages/commonroad/common/reader/file_reader_xml.py:1344: UserWarning: State at time step 13 cannot be matched!
  warnings.warn("State at time step {} cannot be matched!".format(read_time(xml_node.find('time'))))
/home/gerald/anaconda3/envs/commonroad1/lib/python3.7/site-packages/commonroad/common/reader/file_reader_xml.py:1344: UserWarning: State at time step 14 cannot be matched!
  warnings.warn("State at time step {} cannot be matched!".format(read_time(xml_node.find('time'))))
/home/gerald/anaconda3/envs/commonroad1/lib/python3.7/site-packages/commonroad/common/reader/file_reader_xml.py:1344: UserWarning: State at time step 15 cannot be matched!
  warnings.warn("State at time step {} cannot be matched!".format(read_time(xml_node.find('time'))))
/home/gerald/anaconda3/envs/commonroad1/lib/python3.7/site-packages/commonroad/common/reader/file_reader_xml.py:1344: UserWarning: State at time step 16 cannot be matched!
  warnings.warn("State at time step {} cannot be matched!".format(read_time(xml_node.find('time'))))
/home/gerald/anaconda3/envs/commonroad1/lib/python3.7/site-packages/commonroad/common/reader/file_reader_xml.py:1344: UserWarning: State at time step 17 cannot be matched!
  warnings.warn("State at time step {} cannot be matched!".format(read_time(xml_node.find('time'))))
/home/gerald/anaconda3/envs/commonroad1/lib/python3.7/site-packages/commonroad/common/reader/file_reader_xml.py:1344: UserWarning: State at time step 18 cannot be matched!
  warnings.warn("State at time step {} cannot be matched!".format(read_time(xml_node.find('time'))))
/home/gerald/anaconda3/envs/commonroad1/lib/python3.7/site-packages/commonroad/common/reader/file_reader_xml.py:1344: UserWarning: State at time step 19 cannot be matched!
  warnings.warn("State at time step {} cannot be matched!".format(read_time(xml_node.find('time'))))
/home/gerald/anaconda3/envs/commonroad1/lib/python3.7/site-packages/commonroad/common/reader/file_reader_xml.py:1344: UserWarning: State at time step 20 cannot be matched!
  warnings.warn("State at time step {} cannot be matched!".format(read_time(xml_node.find('time'))))
/home/gerald/anaconda3/envs/commonroad1/lib/python3.7/site-packages/commonroad/common/reader/file_reader_xml.py:1344: UserWarning: State at time step 21 cannot be matched!
  warnings.warn("State at time step {} cannot be matched!".format(read_time(xml_node.find('time'))))
/home/gerald/anaconda3/envs/commonroad1/lib/python3.7/site-packages/commonroad/common/reader/file_reader_xml.py:1344: UserWarning: State at time step 22 cannot be matched!
  warnings.warn("State at time step {} cannot be matched!".format(read_time(xml_node.find('time'))))
[<matplotlib.collections.PathCollection at 0x7fe1b2714d10>,
 <matplotlib.collections.PathCollection at 0x7fe1f9e8c510>,
 <matplotlib.collections.PathCollection at 0x7fe2158d2d10>,
 <matplotlib.collections.PathCollection at 0x7fe1b2721050>,
 <matplotlib.collections.PolyCollection at 0x7fe1b26f6390>,
 <matplotlib.collections.EllipseCollection at 0x7fe1b26f6a50>,
 <matplotlib.collections.PatchCollection at 0x7fe1b25fa790>]

2. Build the road boundary

The drivability checker library provides several methods to check road compliance. In particular, methods for the following two general approaches are implemented: * Road boundary collision check (see Section 2.1.): checks whether the ego vehicle trajectory collides with the boundary, which is approximated using simple shapes. * Occupancy inclusion (see Section 2.2.): checks whether the ego vehicle occupancy is included within the drivable road network for the entire trajectory.

Both approaches to check road compliance are complementary to each other. Our toolbox provides different methods for each approach, which might differ in their performance.

2.1. Road Boundary Collision Check

Our toolbox offers multiple methods for approximating the road boundary of a given road network: * Default method: Oriented rectangles (Sec. 2.1.1.) * Triangulation methods (Sec. 2.1.2. - 2.1.4.)

2.1.1. Oriented Rectangles (recommended method)

This method uses oriented rectangles to approximate the road boundary. By default, no boundary is constructed at the lane endings (open lane ends). Note, that open lane ends are only supported using the oriented rectangle method.

road_boundary_obstacle, road_boundary_sg_rectangles=boundary.create_road_boundary_obstacle(scenario)

print("Computation time: %s" % (time2-time1))

rnd = MPRenderer(figsize=(25, 10))

print("Number of boundary elements: %s" % road_boundary_sg_rectangles.size())

Computation time: 0.03985428810119629
Number of boundary elements: 396

If, however, a road boundary is desired at the lane endings, the parameter open_lane_ends can be set to False (see below):

road_boundary_obstacle, road_boundary_sg_rectangles=boundary.create_road_boundary_obstacle(scenario, method='obb_rectangles', open_lane_ends=False)

print("Computation time: %s" % (time2-time1))

rnd = MPRenderer(figsize=(25, 10))

print("Number of boundary elements: %s" % road_boundary_sg_rectangles.size())

Computation time: 0.03802084922790527
Number of boundary elements: 400

2.1.2. Delaunay Triangulation

This function requires the python package Triangle to be installed. It can be installed by running pip install triangle.

Please note that although Triangle is freely available, it is copyrighted by its author and may not be sold or included in commercial products without a license.

road_boundary_obstacle, road_boundary_sg_triangles=boundary.create_road_boundary_obstacle(scenario, method='triangulation')

print("Computation time: %s" % (time2-time1))

# draw the road boundary
rnd = MPRenderer(figsize=(25, 10))
print("Number of boundary elements: %s" % road_boundary_sg_triangles.size())

Computation time: 2.0962212085723877
Number of boundary elements: 1161
road_boundary_obstacle, road_boundary_sg_triangles=boundary.create_road_boundary_obstacle(scenario, method='triangulation')

print("Computation time: %s" % (time2-time1))

# draw the road boundary
rnd = MPRenderer(figsize=(25, 10))
print("Number of boundary elements: %s" % road_boundary_sg_triangles.size())

Computation time: 1.795595407485962
Number of boundary elements: 1161

2.1.3. Axis-Aligned Triangles (Horizontal)

road_boundary_obstacle, road_boundary_sg_aligned_triangles=boundary.create_road_boundary_obstacle(scenario, method='aligned_triangulation', axis=1)

print("Computation time: %s" % (time2-time1))

# draw the road boundary
rnd = MPRenderer(figsize=(25, 10))

print("Number of boundary elements: %s" % road_boundary_sg_aligned_triangles.size())

Computation time: 2.6040196418762207
Number of boundary elements: 920

2.1.4. Axis-Aligned Triangles (Vertical)

road_boundary_obstacle, road_boundary_sg_aligned_triangles=boundary.create_road_boundary_obstacle(scenario, method='aligned_triangulation', axis=2)

print("Computation time: %s" % (time2-time1))

# draw the road boundary
rnd = MPRenderer(figsize=(25, 10))

print("Number of boundary elements: %s" % road_boundary_sg_aligned_triangles.size())

Computation time: 1.7591395378112793
Number of boundary elements: 960

2.2. Occupancy Inclusion

The occupancy inclusion approach represents the drivable road network by a set of polygons. Four different methods are available to construct the polygons. The method is chosen by setting the parameter method accordingly in the function boundary.create_road_polygons.

2.2.1. Lane Polygons

road_boundary_sg_polygons=boundary.create_road_polygons(scenario, method='lane_polygons',buffer=1,resample=1, triangulate=False)

print("Computation time: %s" % (time2-time1))

# draw the road boundary
rnd = MPRenderer(figsize=(25, 10))

Computation time: 0.022275686264038086
[<matplotlib.collections.PatchCollection at 0x7fe1a8b39410>]

2.2.2. Lanelet Polygons

Lanelet Polygons (in contrast to Lane Polygons) construct a polygon for each seperate lanelet in the road network. In this example scenario two polygons are constructed corresponding to the two lanelets.

road_boundary_sg_polygons =boundary.create_road_polygons(scenario, method='lanelet_polygons', buffer=1,resample=1, triangulate=False)

print("Computation time: %s" % (time2-time1))

# draw the road boundary
rnd = MPRenderer(figsize=(25, 10))
Computation time: 0.03622698783874512
[<matplotlib.collections.PatchCollection at 0x7fe1a865b490>]

2.2.3. Polygons with Holes (Grid)

# length of the ego-vehicle
# width of the ego-vehicle

road_boundary_sg_polygons_grid=boundary.create_road_polygons(scenario, method='whole_polygon_tiled', max_cell_width=car_half_length*3, max_cell_height=car_half_length*5,triangulate=False)

print("Computation time: %s" % (time2-time1))

# draw the road boundary
rnd = MPRenderer(figsize=(25, 10))
Computation time: 0.04974007606506348
[<matplotlib.collections.PatchCollection at 0x7fe1a8979b90>]

2.2.4. Polygons with Holes

road_boundary_sg_polygons=boundary.create_road_polygons(scenario, method='whole_polygon', triangulate=False)

print("Computation time: %s" % (time2-time1))

# draw the road boundary
rnd = MPRenderer(figsize=(25, 10))
Computation time: 0.002228975296020508
[<matplotlib.collections.PatchCollection at 0x7fe1a8c4bcd0>]

3. Usage Example: Check if the trajectory is within the road

After constructing a road boundary, we can check whether a given trajectory is road-compliant.

3.1. Select part of the trajectory for compliance checks


# half-length of the ego-vehicle
# half-width of the ego-vehicle

# list with trajectory states that are checked for collisions with the road boundary

# extract the positions (x,y) and orientation of the state list and store them in traj_list
for el in state_list[start_step:]:
    new_el.append(el.position[0])   # position x
    new_el.append(el.position[1])   # position y
    new_el.append(el.orientation)   # orientation

# create an oriented rectangle (RectOBB) for the ego vehicle at Step i of the traj_list
obb=pycrcc.RectOBB(car_half_length, car_half_width, traj_list[i][2],traj_list[i][0],traj_list[i][1])

# create the road boundary (using default method with oriented rectangles) and draw the scenario at at time step i
road_boundary_obstacle, road_boundary_sg_rectangles=boundary.create_road_boundary_obstacle(scenario)
rnd = MPRenderer(figsize=(25, 10))

[<matplotlib.collections.PatchCollection at 0x7fe1a8d884d0>]

We create a time-variant collision object for the ego vehicle.

def create_tvobstacle(traj_list,car_half_length,car_half_width):
    for traj in traj_list:
        tvo.append_obstacle(pycrcc.RectOBB(car_half_length, car_half_width, traj[2],traj[0],traj[1]))
    return tvo


Next, we preprocess the time-variant collision object (ego vehicle) for continuous collision detection: We construct an oriented bounding box (OBB) around the occupancies for two consecutive time steps. NOTE: The trajectory of the resulting time-variant collision object is one time step smaller than the original trajectory.

# preprocess using OBB sum hull
preprocessed_trajectory, err=trajectory_queries.trajectory_preprocess_obb_sum(co)
    raise Exception("trajectory preprocessing error")

We can then check whether the trajectories are compliant to the road network using the approaches described above:

Approach 1: Road boundary collision checks

Simplified approach (only check if the trajectory collides with the road boundary)

# compute time step of collision with road boundary
ret=trajectory_queries.trajectories_collision_static_obstacles([preprocessed_trajectory], road_boundary_sg_rectangles, method='grid', num_cells=32, auto_orientation=True)
if ret[0] == -1:
    print('No collision with the road boundary')
    print('First time step of collision: %s' % ret[0])
No collision with the road boundary

Full approach (first check if the vehicle is within the road at the first time step, then check if the trajectory collides with the road boundary)

# compute time step of collision with road boundary using oriented rectangles

#check if the first time step of the trajectory is enclosed within the road polygon
if trajectory_enclosure_polygons_static(road_boundary_sg_polygons,car_half_length, car_half_width, traj_list[start_step:start_step+1])==-1:
    # check if the trajectory collides with the OBB road boundary
    ret=trajectory_queries.trajectories_collision_static_obstacles([preprocessed_trajectory], road_boundary_sg_rectangles, method='grid', num_cells=32, auto_orientation=True)
    if ret[0] == -1:
        print('The trajectory is fully within the road')
        print('First time step of collision: %s' % ret[0])
    print('The trajectory is not within the road. At its first time step, the vehicle is outside the road.')
The trajectory is fully within the road

Approach 2: Occupancy Inclusion

# check trajectory enclosure using road polygon
ret=trajectory_queries.trajectories_enclosure_polygons_static([preprocessed_trajectory], road_boundary_sg_polygons_grid, method='grid', num_cells=32, enable_verification=False)
if ret[0] == -1:
    print('The trajectory is completely enclosed')
    print('First time step of incomplete enclosure: %s' % ret[0])

The trajectory is completely enclosed

4. Usage Example: Minkowski sum for road boundaries

As demonstrated in Tutorial 02: CommonRoad Interface, our toolbox allows us to compute the minkowski sum with a circle for any commonroad-io shape. The same can be done for the road boundary obstacle when using approach 1 for road compliance checking. As shown below, we can inflate the road boundary obstacle which corresponds to specifying a safety distance the vehicle should keep to the road boundary.

# create road boundary obstacle (default method with oriented rectangles)
road_boundary_obstacle, road_boundary_sg_rectangles=boundary.create_road_boundary_obstacle(scenario)

# add road boundary as static obstacle to scenario

# create collision checker for scenario
cc = create_collision_checker(scenario, params={'minkowski_sum_circle': True,
                                                'minkowski_sum_circle_radius': 1.0,
                                                'resolution': 4})

# visualize scenario and collision objects
rnd = MPRenderer(figsize=(25, 10))
rnd.draw_params.shape.facecolor = "blue"
rnd.draw_params.shape.edgecolor = "#831d20"
rnd.draw_params.shape.draw_mesh = True
[<matplotlib.collections.PathCollection at 0x7fe1a8d74dd0>,
 <matplotlib.collections.PathCollection at 0x7fe1a85bd910>,
 <matplotlib.collections.PathCollection at 0x7fe1a85bde50>,
 <matplotlib.collections.PathCollection at 0x7fe1a85bda90>,
 <matplotlib.collections.PolyCollection at 0x7fe1a85bd7d0>,
 <matplotlib.collections.PatchCollection at 0x7fe1a858f510>]