.. CommonRoad_io documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Tue Jul 10 09:17:31 2018. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. CommonRoad-io ============= The commonroad-io package provides methods to read, write, and visualize CommonRoad scenarios and planning problems. Furthermore, it can be used as a framework for implementing motion planning algorithms to solve CommonRoad Benchmarks and is the basis for other tools of the CommonRoad Framework. With commonroad-io, those solutions can be written to xml-files for uploading them on `commonroad.in.tum.de `__. commonroad-io 2024.1 is compatible with CommonRoad scenarios of version 2020a and supports reading 2018b scenarios. The software is written in Python and tested on Linux for the Python 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11, and 3.12. Documentation ============= The full documentation of the API and introducing examples can be found under `https://cps.pages.gitlab.lrz.de/commonroad/commonroad-io/ `__. For getting started, we recommend our `tutorials `__. Additional Tools ================ Based on commonroad-io, we have developed a list of tools for implementing motion-planning algorithms: .. seealso:: * `Drivability Checker `__ * `CommonRoad-SUMO Interface `__ * `CommonRoad Scenario Designer `__ * `Vehicle Models `__ * `Dateset Converters `__ * `Interactive Scenarios `__ * `Apollo Interface `__ Requirements ============ The required dependencies for running commonroad-io are: - numpy>=1.13 - scipy>=1.5.2 - shapely>=1.6.4 - matplotlib>=2.2.2 - lxml>=4.2.2 - networkx>=2.2 - Pillow>=7.0.0 - iso3166>=1.0.1 - rtree>=0.8.3 - protobuf==3.20.1 Installation ============ commonroad-io can be installed with:: pip install commonroad-io Alternatively, clone from our gitlab repository:: git clone https://gitlab.lrz.de/tum-cps/commonroad_io.git and add the folder commonroad-io to your Python environment. Changelog ========= Compared to version 2024.1, the following features have been added or changed: Added ----- - Country-independent traffic sign enum - Missing country-specific max speed sign IDs - Automatically generated TrafficSignIDCountries enum for importing in other scripts - GroundTruthPredictor class to use stored trajectories as prediction - Function to append a state to a trajectory Fixed ----- - Typo: `TrafficSigInterpreter` → `TrafficSignInterpreter` - Typo EMERGENCY_STOP traffic sign enum name - Activation condition for drawing occupancies - Traffic sign with first occurrence set to None can be hashed - Traffic light can be plotted without a TrafficLightCycle Changed ------- - Optimization-based planner tutorial now uses planner and predictor interfaces - Simplified traffic sign matching in FileReader - The occupancy set, initial time step, and final time step are now computed properties of TrajectoryPrediction - Trajectory now allows direct access to the state list - Drawing occupancies by default false - Improved visual appearance of notebooks Removed ------- - Setters for initial and final time step in predictions - Setter for occupancy_set in TrajectoryPrediction A detailed overview about the changes in each version is provided in the `Changelog `__. Getting Started =============== A tutorial on the main functionalities of the project is :ref:`available here`. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Contents: user/index.rst api/index.rst Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search` Contact information =================== :Website: `http://commonroad.in.tum.de `_ :Email: `commonroad@lists.lrz.de `_